Santa Fe Seminar Reading List Schedule
Seminar classes meet on Monday and Thursday evenings. To help students prepare in advance of each class, reading assignment schedules are provided below.
Seminar Reading Lists
These lists may be subject to change. Please always check with tutors or cross-reference with the paper reading list distributed by the dean's office
Fall 2024 & Spring 2025
Please see below for an overview of seminar readings. Printable reading lists schedules with information on specific readings are available on mySJC. To access the schedule, login using your mySJC credentials, click on the “Students,” “Staff,” or “Faculty” tab and then select “Student Reading Lists” on the left-hand navigation.
Date | Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior |
Aug. 29 | Homer: Iliad |
Hebrew Bible Genesis |
Cervantes: Don Quixote |
Tolstoy: War and Peace |
Sept. 2 | Homer: Iliad |
Hebrew Bible Genesis |
Cervantes: Don Quixote |
Tolstoy: War and Peace |
Sept. 5 | Homer: Iliad |
Hebrew Bible Genesis |
Descartes: Meditations |
Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit |
Sept. 9 | Homer: Iliad |
Hebrew Bible Exodus |
Descartes: Meditations |
Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit |
Sept. 12 | Homer: Odyssey |
Hebrew Bible Deuteronomy |
Pascal: Pensées |
Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit |
Sept. 16 | Homer: Odyssey |
Hebrew Bible Samuel; Kings; Chronicles |
Pascal: Pensées |
Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit |
Sept. 19 | Homer: Odyssey |
Hebrew Bible Psalms |
Milton: Paradise Lost |
Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit |
Sept. 23 | Aeschylus: Agamemnon |
Hebrew Bible Jeremiah and Jonah |
Milton: Paradise Lost |
Philosophy of History |
Sept. 26 | Aeschylus: Libation Bearers; Eumenides |
Hebrew Bible Job |
Milton: Paradise Lost |
Marx: Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts; Theses on Feuerbach |
Sept. 30 | Herodotus: Histories |
Livy: The Early History of Rome |
Hobbes: Leviathan |
Marx: On the Jewish Question, Part I; The German Ideology, Part I |
Oct. 3 | Herodotus: Histories |
Plutarch: Lives, Alexander, Cato the Younger, and Caesar |
Hobbes: Leviathan |
Kierkegaard: Fear and Trembling |
Oct. 7 | Herodotus: Histories |
Plutarch: Antony and Brutus |
Hobbes: Leviathan |
Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments |
Oct. 10 | Plato: Meno |
Virgil: Aeneid |
Spinoza: Theologico-Political Treatise |
Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments |
Oct. 14 | Plato: Gorgias |
Virgil: Aeneid |
Spinoza: Theologico-Political Treatise |
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil |
Oct. 17 | Plato: Gorgias |
Virgil: Aeneid |
Locke: Second Treatise of Government |
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil |
Oct. 21 | Plato: Protagoras |
Tacitus: Annals |
Rousseau: Discourse on the Origin of Inequality |
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil |
Oct. 24 | Plato: Protagoras |
Tacitus: Annals |
Rousseau: Discourse on the Origin of Inequality |
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil |
Oct. 28 | Sophocles: Antigone |
Epictetus: Discourses |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Oct. 31 | Plato: Republic |
New Testament Matthew |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 4 | Plato: Republic |
New Testament John, I John |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 7 | Plato: Republic |
New Testament Acts |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 11 | Plato: Republic |
New Testament Romans |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 14 | Plato: Republic |
New Testament I Corinthians |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 18 | Plato: Republic |
Aristotle: On the Soul |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 21 | Aristophanes: Clouds |
Aristotle: On the Soul |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Nov. 25 | Plato: Apology, Crito |
Plotinus: Enneads |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Dec. 2 | Plato: Phaedo |
Augustine: Confessions |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Dec. 5 | Plato: Phaedo |
Augustine: Confessions |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Dec. 9 | Plato: Theaetetus |
Augustine: Confessions |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Dec. 12 | Plato: Theaetetus |
Maimonides: Guide of the Perplexed |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Dec. 16 | Sophocles: Oedipus Rex |
Maimonides: Guide of the Perplexed |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Dec. 19 | Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound |
Maimonides: Guide of the Perplexed |
Preceptorials | Preceptorials |
Jan. 20 | Thucydides: Peloponnesian War |
Anselm: Proslogium; Gaunilon’s Reply and Anselm’s Response |
Swift: Gulliver’s Travels |
Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov |
Jan. 23 | Thucydides: Peloponnesian War |
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae |
Swift: Gulliver’s Travels |
Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov |
Jan. 27 | Thucydides: Peloponnesian War |
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae |
Leibniz: selections |
Essay Preparation |
Jan. 30 | Thucydides: Peloponnesian War |
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae |
Leibniz: selections |
Essay Preparation |
Feb. 3 | Plato: Phaedrus |
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae |
Hume: Treatise of Human Nature |
Essay Preparation |
Feb. 6 | Plato: Phaedrus |
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae |
Hume: Treatise of Human Nature |
Essay Preparation |
Feb. 10 | Plato: Symposium |
Dante: Divine Comedy |
Hume: Treatise of Human Nature |
Essay Preparation |
Feb. 13 | Plato: Symposium |
Dante: Divine Comedy |
Hume: Enquiry Concerning Principles of Morals |
Essay Preparation |
Feb. 17 | Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics |
Dante: Divine Comedy |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
Tocqueville: Democracy in America |
Feb. 20 | Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics |
Dante: Divine Comedy |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
Tocqueville: Democracy in America |
Feb. 24 | Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics |
Dante: Divine Comedy |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
Tocqueville: Democracy in America |
Feb. 27 | Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics |
Dante: Divine Comedy |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
Melville: Benito Cereno |
Mar. 3 | Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics |
Chaucer: Canterbury Tales |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
Lincoln: Dred Scott, etc. |
Mar. 6 | Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics |
Chaucer: Canterbury Tales |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
Lincoln: Speeches; Constitutional Amendments |
Mar. 10 | Aristotle: Politics |
Chaucer: Canterbury Tales |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason |
DuBois: The Souls of Black Folk |
Mar. 13 | Aristotle: Politics |
Shakespeare: As You Like It |
Wordsworth: Two Part Prelude |
DuBois: The Souls of Black Folk |
Mar. 31 | Aristophanes: Birds |
Machiavelli: The Prince |
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice |
George Eliot: Middlemarch |
Apr. 3 | Lucretius: On the Nature of Things |
Machiavelli: The Prince |
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice |
George Eliot: Middlemarch |
Apr. 7 | Lucretius: On the Nature of Things |
Shakespeare: Midsummer Night's Dream |
Rousseau: Social Contract |
George Eliot: Middlemarch |
Apr. 10 | Plato: Timaeus |
Montaigne: Essays: “Education of Children,” “Of Cannibals” |
Rousseau: Social Contract |
Freud: General Psychological Theory: Papers on Metapsychology |
Apr. 14 | Aristotle: Physics |
Montaigne: Essays: “On Experience” |
Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, Groundwork of the Metaphysics or Morals |
Freud: Beyond the Pleasure Principle |
Apr. 17 | Aristotle: Physics |
Shakespeare: Hamlet |
Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals |
Joyce: “The Dead” |
Apr. 21 | Aristotle: Physics |
Shakespeare: Hamlet |
Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations |
Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway |
Apr. 24 | Aristotle: Physics |
Bacon: New Organon |
Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations |
Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway |
Apr. 28 | Aristotle: Physics |
Bacon: New Atlantis; Great Instauration |
Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations | Heidegger: “What is Metaphysics” |
May 1 | Aristotle: Metaphysics |
Shakespeare: Richard II |
Hawthorne: Scarlet Letter |
Heidegger: “The Question Concerning Technology” |
May 5 | Euripides: Bacchae |
Shakespeare: Henry IV |
Hawthorne: Scarlet Letter |
De Beauvoir: The Second Sex |
May 8 | Euripides: Medea |
Shakespeare: Henry IV |
The Federalist; Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 | De Beauvoir: The Second Sex |
May 12 | Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus |
Descartes: Discourse on Method |
The Federalist | Arendt: Origins of Totalitarianism |
May 15 | Sophocles: Ajax |
Descartes: Discourse on Method |
The Federalist | O’Connor: “Good Country People” |
May 19 | Aristotle: Poetics |
Shakespeare: Othello |
Twain: Huckleberry Finn |
James Baldwin: The Fire Next Time |
May 22 | Sophocles: Philoctetes |
Shakespeare: Tempest |
Twain: Huckleberry Finn |
Plato: Phaedrus |