Brian Becker (GI08)
Brian Becker founded Becker Growth Strategy which consults small to medium businesses on how to scale effectively and intentionally. From 2018-2020, he served as the Entrepreneur in Residence and the Director of Small Business Outreach at the Catholic University of America. Brian contributes this extensive experience in business consulting to volunteer for St. John’s College, supporting the work of the Office of Career Development in Annapolis. Over many years, Brian has provided career advice to students - participating in GI alumni career panels, and most recently helping renew CELA, the Center for Entrepreneurship in the Liberal Arts. Brian helped organize events such as recent panels on "Leveraging a Liberal Arts Education as an Entrepreneur" and "AI and the Future of Liberal Arts Education". Helping students as a volunteer and professionally, Brian teaches full-time for the English Department at St. Mary’s High School in Annapolis. We are honored to recognize Brian for his exemplary dedication and commitment to the college’s students with the Alumni Association Volunteer Award.
Leslie Kay (SF83)
Leslie Kay has been an exemplary volunteer, tirelessly contributing her time and expertise to the college, in multiple capacities. Leslie served the maximum two terms as an alumni-elected member of the college’s Board of Visitors and Governors, where she chaired the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force - the first effort of its kind by the college. Her work overseeing this momentous BVG initiative has resulted in an historic report on issues of diversity and inclusion at St. John’s, and concrete advancements in creating a community of belonging at the college. In addition, throughout her service on the BVG, Leslie added a valuable "faculty perspective" as a professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and Deputy Dean for Research in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. Leslie has trained dozens of students in her laboratory at the University of Chicago, many of them St. John’s Hodson and Ariel summer interns. Leslie has contributed to the college her talent for teaching - lecturing at St. John’s and teaching courses for its Summer Classics program. In recognition of Leslie’s dedication and leadership and her tremendous contributions of time, talent, and treasure to St. John’s College and the community, we are honored to present her with the Alumni Association Volunteer Service Award.
Steven M. Virgil (A88)
Steve Virgil lives in Winston Salem NC with his spouse, Sheila Monen Virgil (A88), where he is a professor at Wake Forest University School of Law. During 2023 he designed a new Masters in Public Administration degree program for Wake Forest. His work has been recognized by the U.S. Dept of Commerce and the White House. Drawing from his extensive experience developing and directing several clinical education programs in the areas of community economic development, trade and corporate law, Steve initiated CELA, the Center for Entrepreneurship and the Liberal Arts, at St. John’s in 2018. Steve worked with the Office of Career Development in Annapolis to develop CELA which provides St. John’s students with the foundation and background to create their own businesses. In recognition of his work to establish the Center for Entrepreneurship and the Liberal Arts at St. John’s, we honor Steve Virgil with the Alumni Association Volunteer Service Award.