Johnnies explore over 40 texts that provide strong foundations for careers as writers, artists and media professionals, often bring the texts to life in language tutorials.
Example Texts
Visual Studies of Da Vinci (Da Vinci)
Art of Manet
Essays (Duchamp)
Clouds (Aristophanes)
Antigone (Sophocles)
Divine Comedy (Dante)
Essays (Montaigne)
Poems (Locke)
Othello (Shakespeare)
Sonnets (Shakespeare)
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Pride & Prejudice (Austen)
Poems (Rimbaud)
Middlemarch (Eliot)
A Room of One’s Own (Woolf)
The Fire Next Time (Baldwin)
Children of the Poor (Brooks)
Song of Solomon (Morrison)
Inventions (Bach)
St. Matthew Passion (Bach)
Quartets (Haydn)
Operas (Mozart)
Stomping the Blues (Murray)
Third Symphony (Beethoven)
Tristan and Isolde (Wagner)
Ficciones (Borges)
Letters (de Sevigne)
Beloved (Morrison)
The Devils (Dostoyevsky)
Independent People (Laxness)