Annapolis Faculty


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    • Robert Abbott

      Assistant Dean

      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2004; MA, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago, 2010; Joint PhD, the Committee on Social Thought and the Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago, 2015; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2013–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2022–present.

    • Deborah S. Axelrod

      Tutor Emerita

      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1968; MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1971; MS, Georgetown University, 1974; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974–present.

    • Jonathan  N. Badger


      BS, University of South Carolina, 1987; MA, North Carolina State University, 1991; Earhart Fellow, 1995; PhD, Fordham University, 1996; Olin Fellow, 2000–01; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996–present.

    • Charles Barbera


      Alternative Service, 1970–72; BA, Wesleyan University, 1974; PhD in Musicology, University of North Carolina, 1980; Grants and Fellowships: American Council of Learned Societies, Institute for the Advancement of Scholarship in the Liberal Arts; Jesse H. Jones Faculty Research; Mellon Interdisciplinary Studies; National Endowment for the Humanities, Newberry Library; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1990–present; Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1993–present: President, Annapolis Conference, 1997–2003, 2016–17; District Council President, Anne Arundel County, 2004–10.

    • Edward Halley Barnet


      BA, University of Alberta, 2009; Auditeur Libre, Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution française, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2010–11; Master d’Histoire, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, 2013; PhD, Stanford University, 2021; Visiting Assistant Professor, Hamilton College, 2021–22; Resident Fellow, Linda Hall Library, 2022; Molina Fellow in the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Huntington Library, 2022–23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.

    • Erica M. Beall


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2007; MA, Psychology, University of Southern California, 2013; PhD, Psychology, University of Southern California, 2015; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2015–present.

    • James Howard Beall


      Active duty, United States Air Force, 1963–67; BA, Physics, University of Colorado, 1972; MS, Physics, University of Maryland, 1975; PhD, Physics, University of Maryland, 1979; Astrophysicist, Laboratory for Astronomy & Solar Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 1975–78; Congressional Science Fellow, United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment, United States Congress, Washington, DC, 1978–79; Project Scientist, BKD, Arlington, Virginia, 1979–81; National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory Resident Research Associate, EO Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 1981–83; Senior Consultant, EO Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 1983–present; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1982–present; Member of the Science and Engineering Advisory Board, High Frontier, Arlington, Virginia, 1991–present.

    • Nicholas Bellinson


      AB in History, Princeton University, 2013; DAAD Fellowship Recipient and Visiting Master’s Student in Art History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2013–14; MA, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2016; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2023; Instructor, Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, 2016–2020; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020–present.

    • Sarah B. Benson


      BA, Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 1991; MA, Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin, 1994; MA, History of Art, Cornell University, 1997; PhD, History of Art, Cornell University, 2001; Postdoctoral Intern, J. Paul Getty Center, Los Angeles, 2001–02; Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2003–04; Visiting Assistant Professor, History of Art, Cornell University, 2004–05; Lecturer, Department of Art and Archeology, Princeton University, 2005–06;Visiting Fellow, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 2006–07; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011–present.

    • Jeff J.S. Black


      BA, Trinity College, University of Toronto, 1993; PhD, Boston College, 2005; Teaching Fellow, Boston College, 1998–99; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1999–present; Associate Dean for the Graduate Program, Annapolis, 2011–15; Resident Fellow in Civil-Military Relations, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, United States Naval Academy, 2015–16; Distinguished Visiting Professor of Political Science, United States Air Force Academy, 2018–present.

    • Kathleen C. Blits


      BA, Classics and Philosophy, Mount Holyoke College, 1968; Graduate Study, Philosophy, New School for Social Research, 1970–72; MS, Plant Sciences, University of Delaware, 1985; PhD, Marine Biology and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, 1989; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1990–present.

    • Brendan Boyle

      Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

      BA, Classics, Princeton University, 1999; MPhil, Classics, Cambridge University, 2000; PhD, Classics, University of Chicago, 2007; Assistant Professor of Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007–12; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2013–present; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2023–present.

    • William T. Braithwaite


      BA, Virginia Military Institute, 1961; JD, Washington & Lee University, 1964; Captain, U.S. Army, 1968–70; Associate, Boodell, Sears et al., 1971–73; Associate and Partner, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Chicago, 1973–80; Associate Professor of Law, Loyola University, Chicago, 1980–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present.

    • Neil Brophy

      Visiting Tutor

      BA, Philosophy, University College Dublin, 1999; MLitt., Philosophy, University College Dublin, 2002; MA, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2006; PhD, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2014; Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy Department, Villanova University, 2006–14; Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy Department, Trinity Washington University, 2014–15; Lecturer, Towson University, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, 2014–17; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College Annapolis, 2019–present.

    • Chester Burke


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974; Master of Music, University of Michigan, 1979; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1984–present.

    • Matthew Caswell


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996; PhD, Philosophy, Boston University, 2003; DAAD Fellow, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, 2002–03; Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Boston University, 2003–05; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2005–present.

    • Rahul Chaudhri


      BA, Philosophy, Oberlin College, 2007; PhD, Philosophy, Stanford University, 2013; Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Thinking Matters Program, Stanford University, 2013–16; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2016–present.

    • John  Patrick Coleman


      BS, Physics with a Minor in Philosophy, College of William and Mary, 2012; PhD, Physics, University of Illinois, 2021; Tutor, Faith and Reason Learning Community, 2019–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.

    • Michael   Comenetz


      BA, Johns Hopkins University, 1965; MA, Brandeis University, 1967; PhD, Brandeis University, 1972; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Kansas, 1972–75; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1975–present.

    • Steven F. Crockett


      BA. Music, Earlham College, 1965; MA, Humanities, University of Chicago, 1967; Graduate Study in the Committee on the History of Culture, University of Chicago, 1967–70; JD, Yale Law School, 1983; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1965–66; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1970–77; Tutor, St. John’s College Graduate Institute, Santa Fe, Summers 1976–77 and 1979–81; Instructor in Mathematics, George School, 1977–78; Instructor, General Program of Liberal Studies, University of Notre Dame, 1978–80; Visiting Instructor, Yale University (Saybrook College), Fall, 1981; Legal Adviser, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1983–85; Attorney, 1985–90; Senior Attorney, 1990–2000; Chief of Staff to Commissioners, 1990–94 and 1998–2000, and Special Counsel for Litigation, Legislation, and Special Projects, 2000–11; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011–present.

    • W. Thomas Crouse


      BA, University of Maryland, 1973; MA, Philosophy, University of Maryland, 1975; Doctoral Studies in Philosophy, Admission to Candidacy, University of Maryland, 1977; MALA, St. John’s College Graduate Institute, 2002; Instructor in Philosophy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1977; Associate Faculty (Philosophy/Medical Ethics), College of Notre Dame, 2007–10; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2008–present.

    • Allison DeWitt


      BA, Italian and German Literatures, New York University, 2010; MA, Italian Literature, Columbia University, 2014; PhD, Italian and Comparative Literatures, Columbia University, 2019; Literature Humanities Preceptor, Columbia University Core Curriculum, 2018–19; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020–present.

    • Michael G. Dink


      Harvard University, 1970–72; BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1975; MA, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1978; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1986; Teaching Assistant, The Catholic University of America, 1978–80; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1980–84; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1984–present; Director, Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, Annapolis, 1998–2001; Dean, 2005–10.

    • Janet A. Dougherty


      BA, Yale College, 1974; MA, PhD, Harvard University, 1980; Teaching Fellow in Government at Harvard College, 1976–78, 1979–80; French Government Fellowship, 1978–79; Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stonehill College, 1980–82; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1982–85; 2024-present; Santa Fe, 1985–2024.

    • Robert Druecker


      BS, Marquette University, 1966; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1966–67; Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Boston University, 1972–76; MA, Boston University, 1974; Fulbright and American Scandinavian Foundation Fellow, Norway, 1976; MA, Counseling, Loyola College, 1996; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1977–present; Counselor and Therapist, 1996–2002.

    • Huw  Duffy


      BA, Philosophy and French, Trinity College Dublin, 2012; PhD, Philosophy, Stanford University, 2018; Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Thinking Matters Program, Stanford University, 2018–20; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020–present.

    • Nathan  Dugan


      BA, College of William and Mary, 1992; Earl Warren Political Theory Fellowship, 1992–94; PhD, Political Science, University of California, San Diego, 1999; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1999–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2017–22.

    • Jonathan Ettel


      BA, University of Washington, 2011; PhD, Stanford University, 2021; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2023–present.

    • Harvey Flaumenhaft


      BA, 1960, MA, 1962, PhD, 1980, University of Chicago; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Harvard University, 1960–61; National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow, 1963–65; Lecturer in Political Science, Roosevelt University, 1965; Lecturer in Liberal Arts, University of Chicago, 1965–66; Instructor in Government, Wheaton College (Massachusetts), 1966–68; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1968–present; Fellow, Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies, George Washington University, 1981; MIT/Harvard Workshop on Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control, Summer 1983; National Endowment for the Humanities Constitutional Fellow, 1984–85; NEH Planning Grant, 1986–87; NEH Interpretive Research Grant, 1987–89; Visiting Professor, Department of Educational Studies, University of Delaware, 1989; Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Grant, 1992–94; Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–2005.

    • Gregory Freeman


      BA, Mathematics and Music, Brown University; MA, Musicology, University of California, Berkeley; MA, Philosophy, University of Chicago; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2012–present.

    • Zachary Gartenberg


      BA, Philosophy and Honors Program in Humanistic Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 2011; Graduate studies, Yale University, 2012–15; PhD, Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University; Postdoctoral Fellow, University Writing Program, Johns Hopkins University, 2022–23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.

    • Paul  Goldberg


      BA, Philosophy and English, James Madison University, 2014; PhD, Philosophy, Boston University, 2022; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy, The City College of New York, 2024; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024–present.

    • Robert Goldberg


      St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1977–79; AB in Classics and Government, Harvard College, 1981; MA, Political Economy, 1983, PhD in Political Science, 1990, University of Toronto; Lecturer in Political Science, University of Toronto, 1989–90; Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Kenyon College, 1990–95; John M. Olin Faculty Fellow in History and Political Theory, Kenyon College, 1994–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present.

    • Rebecca Goldner


      AB, Bowdoin College, 1996; Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1998; MA, Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2002; MA, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2005; PhD, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2013; Visiting Professor, Villanova Center for Liberal Education, 2013–14; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2014–present.

    • Lee Goldsmith

      Visiting Tutor

      BA St. John's College, Annapolis, 2001–05; MA, Philosophy, Northwestern University 2007–17 (all but dissertation); Instructor, Philosophy, George Washington University, 2014–16; Visiting Tutor, St. John's College, Annapolis, 2021–present.

    • Lijun Gu


      BA, History, Beijing University, China, 1980–84; Researcher, The Institute of International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China, 1984–87; MA, International Affairs, George Washington University, 1987–89; PhD, Political Theory, George Washington University, 1989–95; Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, George Washington University, 1995; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996–present.

    • Ron Haflidson


      BA, Classics and Early Modern Studies, University of Kings College/Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2004; MA, Religious Studies, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 2007; Teaching Fellow, Foundation Year Programme, University of King’s College, 2007–10; Principal’s Doctoral Fellowship, University of Edinburgh, 2010–13; PhD, Christian Theology, University of Edinburgh, 2014; Senior Fellow and Assistant Director, Foundation Year Programme, University of King’s College, 2013–15; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2015–present.

    • Aaron Halper


      BA, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, University of Chicago, 2011; MA, Philosophy, Tulane University, 2012; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2022; Tutor, St. John's College, Annapolis, 2023–present.

    • Mary Elizabeth Halper


      BA, Philosophy, Classics, University of Dallas, 2009; Latin & Humane Letters Teacher, Great Hearts Academies, 2009–11; MA, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2013; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2019; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.

    • Daniel Harrell


      BA, Vanderbilt University, 1989; PhD, Emory University, 1997; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1998–present.

    • Hannah Hintze


      BMus, Woodwind Performance, BA, Philosophy, Boston University, 1999; MA, 2006; PhD 2009, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago; Ennis Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Villanova University, 2010–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011–present.

    • Zena Hitz


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995; MPhil, Classics, Cambridge University, 1996; PhD, Philosophy, Princeton University, 2005; Assistant Professor, Auburn University, 2005–06; Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2006–12; Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2008–09; Visiting Fellow, James Madison Program, Princeton University, 2010–11; Visiting Research Professor, Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2018; NEH Summer Stipend, 2018; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2015–present.

    • Matthew Holtzman


      BA, St. John’s College, 2000; MSc., Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, 2003; PhD, Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 2010; Dean’s Teaching Fellow, Johns Hopkins, 2008; Instructor, Expository Writing Program, Johns Hopkins University, 2009–10; Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington College, 2011–13; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2013–present.

    • Abram Kaplan


      Deep Springs College, 2005–07; AB, History and Science, Harvard College, 2010; MA, 2013, MPhil, 2014, and PhD, 2018, History, Columbia University; Contemporary Civilization Preceptor, Columbia University, 2016–17; Visiting Predoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2017–18; Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows, 2018–22; Instructor, Deep Springs College, Summer 2019; Tutor, St. John’s College 2022–present.

    • Khafiz Kerimov


      BA, Political Science and International Relations, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, 2014; MA, Philosophy, DePaul University, Chicago, 2016; PhD, Philosophy, DePaul University, Chicago, 2019; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020—present.

    • Elizabeth Kirby


      BA, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Barnard College 2015; MPhil, French, New York University 2018; PhD, French, New York University 2021; Postdoctoral Language Lecturer, New York University 2021–22; Tutor, St. John’s College 2022–present.

    • Margaret Kirby


      BA, University of King’s College, 1977; MA, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, 1979; Commonwealth Scholar, Hertford College, Oxford University, 1980–82; M.Litt., Faculty of Modern Languages, Oxford University, 1982; Gasthörer, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, 1982; Junior Fellow, Massey College, University of Toronto, 1983–85; PhD, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, 1988; Fellow and Tutor, University of King’s College, 1987–89; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1990–96; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–present.

    • Pamela Kraus


      MA, 1973, PhD, 1980, The Catholic University of America; NDEA Fellow, 1968–70; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1973–74; Lecturer, The Catholic University of America, 1975–80; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1980–85; American Fellowships Program Panel, American Association of University Women, 1985; NEH Fellowship, 1989–90; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1985–present; Editor, The St. John’s Review, 1994–2010; Dean, St. John’s College, 2010–16.

    • Katherine Kretler


      BA, Harvard University, 1992; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2011; Lecturer/Instructor, Classics, the College and the Graham School of General Education, University of Chicago, 1997–2008; Lecturer, Classics and Humanities, Dartmouth College, 2008–11; Assistant Professor (LTA), Classics and the Liberal Arts College, Concordia University, Montreal, 2011–14; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Classics, Queen’s University, 2014–16; Lecturer, Structured Liberal Education, Stanford University, 2016–20; Classics Faculty, The Pierrepont School, 2020–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.

    • Anita L. Kronsberg


      BA, St. John’s College, 1980; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1984–present; MA, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Maryland, 1997; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, 1994–95; 1998–2002; 2006–09.

    • Emily  H. Brooker Langston


      BA, Emory University, 1987; MA, University of Chicago, 1988; Jacob K. Javitz Fellow, 1989–93; Certificate in Jewish Studies, The Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, St. Cross College, Oxford University, 1993; PhD, Emory University, 2003; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2015–23.

    • Brendon Lasell


      BS, California Institute of Technology, 1990; MS, 1991, PhD, 1994, University of Chicago; Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1992–93; Member, Institute for Advanced Study, 1994–95; Instructor in Mathematics, Princeton University, 1995–97; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1997–2008; Annapolis, 2006–present.

    • Leah Lasell


      BA, Mathematics, University of Chicago, 2000; Mathematics Teacher, St. Paul’s School, New Hampshire, 2000–02, 2012–13; MALA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2004; PhD, Philosophy, University of Texas, Austin, 2010; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2013–present.

    • Matthew S. Linck


      BFA, Painting, Syracuse University, 1992; PhD, Philosophy, The New School for Social Research, 2004; Teaching Fellow, Eugene Lang College, 2002–04; Adjunct Professor, Steinhardt School of Education, New York University, Fall 2004; Adjunct Professor, Purchase College, SUNY, 2004–06; Adjunct Professor, Long Island University, 2007; Adjunct Professor, New School for General Studies, 2006–08; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2008–present.

    • Patricia M. Locke


      BA, Gonzaga University, 1977; MA, PhD, Philosophy, Boston College, 1984; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1984–present; Adolf Schmidt Chair, In Search of Lost Time, 2005; American Association of University Women Fellowship, 2006–07; Marchutz School of Art, 2008–09, 2016; Board of Directors, International Merleau-Ponty Circle, 2009–present; Emory Summer Institute for the History of Philosophy, Habituation in Aristotle, Dewey and Merleau-Ponty, 2017; NEH Summer Institute, Self-Knowledge in Eastern and Western Philosophies, 2018; Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, CA, 2021; NEH Chair in Ancient Thought, Tale of Genji, 2022-2024.

    • Paul W. Ludwig


      BA, English and Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1987; Rhodes Scholarship, 1987-90; BA, English and Modern Languages: Italian, Oxford University, 1990; Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, 1990-95; MA, Classics, University of Chicago, 1994; Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Fellowship 1995-97; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1997; Lecturer in the College, University of Chicago, 1996; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis 1997-present; Adolph Schmidt Tutorship, 2002-3; NEH Chair in Ancient Thought, St. John’s College, 2008-2010; Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University, 2008; NEH Faculty Fellowship, 2016.

    • Joseph  Macfarland


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1987; Fulbright Fellow, Visiting the Department of Medieval History, University of Bologna, 1993–94; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1996; Program Coordinator for Fundamentals: Issues and Texts, University of Chicago, 1994–97; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis 1998–present; Codirector of NEH Summer Institute, Medieval Political Philosophy, 2014; Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis 2016-2023.

    • Christopher  B. Nelson

      Tutor and President Emeritus

      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1970, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1966–69; JD, University of Utah College of Law, 1973; Associate, 1973–78 and Partner, 1979, Schiff Hardin & Waite, Chicago; Co-Founder and Principal, 1979–91 and President, 1987–91, Kovar Nelson Brittain Sledz & Morris, Chicago; Instructor in Management Labor Law and Supervisory Relations, 1981–87, Aurora University Management Center, Illinois; President, St. John’s College, 1991–2017; Past Chair, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities; Past Chair, Annapolis Group (nation’s liberal arts colleges); Past Chair, AFS-USA Inter-cultural Exchange Program; Past Chair, Shimer College Board of Trustees; Past Chair, Maryland Independent Colleges and Universities Association; Past Director, Council of Independent Colleges; Past Treasurer, Historic Annapolis Foundation. Tutor, St. John’s College, 1991–present.

    • Stephanie Nelson

      Visiting Tutor

      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1983; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1992; Faculty, Core Curriculum, Boston University, 1995–99; Faculty, Department of Classical Studies and the Core Curriculum, 1999–present, Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.

    • Frank N. Pagano


      AB, Cornell University, 1969; PhD, Boston College, 1981; Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1975–81, Director of the Division of Liberal Learning, 1980–83, Associate Professor of Political Science, 1981–83, University of New England; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1983–present; Director of the Graduate Institute, 2001–04.

    • Carl Page


      BA, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1980; MA, University of Auckland, 1982; PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 1987; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Emory University, 1987–94; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1994–present.

    • Louis Petrich


      BA, English, Northwestern University, 1982; MA, 1986, PhD Candidate, 1986–90, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago; Teaching Assistant in History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine, University of Chicago, 1985–87; Dramaturg, Assistant Director and Actor, Court Theater, University of Chicago, 1985–89; Fulbright Scholar, Alexandru I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, 1990–91; United States Peace Corp Volunteer, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1992–93; Reader and Stage Crew, Folger Shakespeare Library and Theater, Washington, DC, 1993–95; Civic Education Project Fellow, Prešov University, Slovakia, 1995–97; CEP Fellow, Alexandru I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, 1997–99; CEP Fellow, American University of Kyrgyzstan, 1999–2000; Fulbright Scholar, Kyrgyz State National University and American University of Kyrgyzstan, 2000–02; Principal Founder, American Studies Resources and Training Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2001–02; Associate Professor, American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, 2010–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2002–present.

    • Clara Picker


      MagPhil, Universität Wien, Austria, 2011; MA, Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2012; PhD, Political Science, Yale University, 2022; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.

    • Greg  Recco


      BA, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1994; PhD, Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 2002; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Skidmore College, 2003–07; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2007–present.

    • Andrew  Romiti


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2007; Post-Baccalaureate Course in Classics, Georgetown University, 2007–08; MA, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2011; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2016; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2016–present.

    • George A. Russell


      BA, St. Francis College; MA, The Catholic University of America; PhD, The Catholic University of America; Dean of Students, St. Patrick’s Academy, 1981–86; Chairman, History and Government Department, Hamden Hall, 1986–91; Adjunct Lecturer, Albertus Magnus, 1986–91; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Xavier University, 1991–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present.

    • Eric  Salem


      BA, St. John’s College, 1977; MA, University of Dallas, 1979; University of Heidelberg, 1980–81; PhD, University of Dallas, 1990; Fulbright Fellow, 1980–81; Assistant Professor, Whitney Young College, Kentucky State University, 1983–90; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1990–present.

    • Adam Schulman


      BA, Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1980; Danforth Fellow, 1980; Rhodes Scholar, 1980; BA, Physics and Philosophy, Oxford University, 1982; MA, History of Science, Harvard University, 1985; PhD, History of Science, Harvard University, 1989; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1989–present; Senior Research Consultant, The President’s Council on Bioethics, 2003–09; Faculty Member, Hertog Political Studies Program, 2011; Visiting Professor, MIT, 2011–12.

    • Joan Silver


      BA, State University of New York, College at Old Westbury, 1971; MALA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1976; PhD, Theology and The Arts, Graduate Theological Union, 1993; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974–77; Tutor, St. Mary’s College, Integral Program, 1977–79; Tutor, Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, Summer 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989–96; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–present.

    • Anna Sitzmann


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011; PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, 2012–21; Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2014–19; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2019–present.

    • Jay Smith


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1977; MA, Philosophy, Marquette University, 1979; PhD, Philosophy, Fordham University, 2002; Environmental Protection Agency, 1986–89; Environmental Consultant, 1990–2000; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2001–2024; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024-present.

    • Jeffrey Smith


      BA, Philosophy and Political Science, Emory University, 1989; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1997; Lecturer in the College, University of Chicago, 1994–97; Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, Colgate University, 1998–99; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Carthage College, 1999–2001; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2001–present.

    • Rebekah Spearman


      BA, University of Dallas, 2014; MA in Classics, University of Chicago, 2017; PhD in Classics, University of Chicago, 2022; Teaching Fellow in Classics and Humanities, University of Chicago, 2022–23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.

    • Eric Stoltzfus

      Music Librarian

      BA, Music, Goshen College, 1981; MA, Musicology, MS, Library Science, The Catholic University of America, 1991: Music Librarian, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1991–present; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996–present.

    • Emma Styles-Swaim

      Teaching Fellow

      BA, English and Medieval Studies, Mount Holyoke College, 2014; MA, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2017; MPhil, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2019; PhD Candidate, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2019–present; Teaching Fellow, Columbia University, 2018–20; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024; Teaching Fellow, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024–25.

    • Jason Tipton


      BA, University of California, San Diego, 1993; MA, Tulane University, 1999; MS, Tulane University, 2001; PhD, Tulane University, 2002. Fulbright Scholar, Greece, 2000–01; Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 2000–01; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2002–present.

    • John Tomarchio


      BA, Columbia College, Columbia University, 1984; MA, 1993, PhD, 1996; Lecturer, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, 1996; National Fulbright Research Fellow, Rome, 1994–95; National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, Core Curriculum Program, Boston University, 1996–98; Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Villanova University, 1998–2001; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2001–present.

    • David Lee Townsend


      BA, Loyola College; MA, Harvard; Diplome, Universite de Paris; PhD, Harvard; JD, Yale; Teacher, Cambridge Free School; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe and Annapolis. Federal Executive Institute, Visiting Faculty; Senior Advisor, Aspen Institute; Coordinator, AIDS Task Force, Corporate Council on Africa; Moderator, Weidenfeld Scholars, Oxford; Visiting Faculty, Indiana University, Doctor of Public Health Program. Teacher of the Year 2020, Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs.

    • Fawn Trigg


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1988; PhD Candidate at the University of Chicago, Committee on Social Thought, 2004–present; Faculty, Indiana University Northwest; The School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2006–present.

    • Jonathan  Tuck

      Tutor Emeritus

      Tutor Emeritus, St. John’s College, Annapolis

    • Samuel R. Webb


      BA, Philosophy and French, Tufts University, Boston, 2010; MA, History of Philosophy, Sorbonne Université, Paris, 2014; PhD, Philosophy, Sorbonne Université, Paris, 2021; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2022–present.

    • W. Clark Wolf


      BS, MA, Clarks Summit University, 2011; MA, Theology, University of Scranton, 2013; PhD, Philosophy, Marquette University, 2019; Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, 2019–20; Visiting/Teaching Assistant Professor, Marquette University, 2020–24; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024–present.

    • Cordell D. K. Yee


      BA, English, Pomona College, 1977; MJ, Journalism, University of California, Berkeley, 1980; MA, Chinese, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981; PhD, English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989; Associate Researcher, History of Cartography Project, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988–89; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1989–present; Visiting Assistant Scientist, History of Cartography Project, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Summers of 1990 and 1991.

    • Stella Zhu


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2016; PhD, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2022; Managing Editor, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2022; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2022–present.


Profile of  Robert Abbott

Assistant Dean

Robert Abbott Profile


BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2004; MA, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago, 2010; Joint PhD, the Committee on Social Thought and the Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago, 2015; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2013–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2022–present.

Profile of  Deborah S. Axelrod

Tutor Emerita

Deborah S. Axelrod Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1968; MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1971; MS, Georgetown University, 1974; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974–present.

Profile of  Jonathan  N. Badger


Jonathan  N. Badger Profile



BS, University of South Carolina, 1987; MA, North Carolina State University, 1991; Earhart Fellow, 1995; PhD, Fordham University, 1996; Olin Fellow, 2000–01; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996–present.


Books by Johnnies: Cities and Transcendence: Sophocles and the Politics of Tragedy


Continuing the Conversation: “Pursuing the Eternal Present”


The Politics of Tragedy, a conversation with philosopher Jonathan Badger” 

Profile of  Charles Barbera


Charles Barbera Profile



Alternative Service, 1970–72; BA, Wesleyan University, 1974; PhD in Musicology, University of North Carolina, 1980; Grants and Fellowships: American Council of Learned Societies, Institute for the Advancement of Scholarship in the Liberal Arts; Jesse H. Jones Faculty Research; Mellon Interdisciplinary Studies; National Endowment for the Humanities, Newberry Library; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1990–present; Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1993–present: President, Annapolis Conference, 1997–2003, 2016–17; District Council President, Anne Arundel County, 2004–10.


Books by Johnnies: Charles Barbera  

Profile of  Edward Halley Barnet


Edward  Halley Barnet Profile



BA, University of Alberta, 2009; Auditeur Libre, Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution française, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2010–11; Master d’Histoire, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, 2013; PhD, Stanford University, 2021; Visiting Assistant Professor, Hamilton College, 2021–22; Resident Fellow, Linda Hall Library, 2022; Molina Fellow in the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Huntington Library, 2022–23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.


A Perfect Fifth of Blue and Red: Enlightened Harmonies of the Senses

“The Harpsichord Brain: Instrumental Models of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century France” (Please email author to receive a copy.)

Isis Academic Journal interview with Halley Barnet

Profile of  Erica M. Beall


Erica M. Beall Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2007; MA, Psychology, University of Southern California, 2013; PhD, Psychology, University of Southern California, 2015; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2015–present.


Continuing the Conversation: “Can War Be Beautiful?”


Continuing the Conversation: “Can War Be Beautiful?”

Profile of  James Howard Beall


James Howard Beall Profile



Phone: 410-263-2371 ext. 6915; Direct: 410-295-6915; Fax: 410-626-0789

Active duty, United States Air Force, 1963–67; BA, Physics, University of Colorado, 1972; MS, Physics, University of Maryland, 1975; PhD, Physics, University of Maryland, 1979; Astrophysicist, Laboratory for Astronomy & Solar Physics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 1975–78; Congressional Science Fellow, United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment, United States Congress, Washington, DC, 1978–79; Project Scientist, BKD, Arlington, Virginia, 1979–81; National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory Resident Research Associate, EO Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 1981–83; Senior Consultant, EO Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 1983–present; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1982–present; Member of the Science and Engineering Advisory Board, High Frontier, Arlington, Virginia, 1991–present.


Books by Johnnies: Onyx Moon


Leibniz’s Monadology and the Philosophical Foundations of Non-Locality in Quantum Mechanics

Profile of  Nicholas Bellinson


Nicholas Bellinson Profile


AB in History, Princeton University, 2013; DAAD Fellowship Recipient and Visiting Master’s Student in Art History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2013–14; MA, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2016; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2023; Instructor, Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, 2016–2020; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020–present.


New Psychoanalytic Readings of Shakespeare: Cool Reason and Seething Brains (Chapter 12)

Profile of  Sarah B. Benson




BA, Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 1991; MA, Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin, 1994; MA, History of Art, Cornell University, 1997; PhD, History of Art, Cornell University, 2001; Postdoctoral Intern, J. Paul Getty Center, Los Angeles, 2001–02; Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2003–04; Visiting Assistant Professor, History of Art, Cornell University, 2004–05; Lecturer, Department of Art and Archeology, Princeton University, 2005–06;Visiting Fellow, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 2006–07; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011–present.


Annapolis Tutor Sarah Benson Integrates Program Work With Volunteerism

Profile of  Jeff J.S. Black


Jeff J.S. Black Profile


BA, Trinity College, University of Toronto, 1993; PhD, Boston College, 2005; Teaching Fellow, Boston College, 1998–99; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1999–present; Associate Dean for the Graduate Program, Annapolis, 2011–15; Resident Fellow in Civil-Military Relations, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, United States Naval Academy, 2015–16; Distinguished Visiting Professor of Political Science, United States Air Force Academy, 2018–present.


Books by Johnnies: Rousseau’s Critique of Science: A Commentary on the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts​​​​​​


Tutors Talk Books


Combat and Classics Podcast

Profile of  Kathleen C. Blits




BA, Classics and Philosophy, Mount Holyoke College, 1968; Graduate Study, Philosophy, New School for Social Research, 1970–72; MS, Plant Sciences, University of Delaware, 1985; PhD, Marine Biology and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, 1989; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1990–present.

Profile of  Brendan Boyle

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Brendan Boyle Profile



BA, Classics, Princeton University, 1999; MPhil, Classics, Cambridge University, 2000; PhD, Classics, University of Chicago, 2007; Assistant Professor of Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007–12; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2013–present; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2023–present.


Tutors Talk Books


Tutors Talk Books


Given and Giving: Hegel and Heidegger on the Work of Art

Profile of  William T. Braithwaite



BA, Virginia Military Institute, 1961; JD, Washington & Lee University, 1964; Captain, U.S. Army, 1968–70; Associate, Boodell, Sears et al., 1971–73; Associate and Partner, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Chicago, 1973–80; Associate Professor of Law, Loyola University, Chicago, 1980–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present.


Reading Genesis Chapter Three


Reading Genesis Chapter Three” 


Privacy and the Constitution

Profile of  Neil Brophy

Visiting Tutor


BA, Philosophy, University College Dublin, 1999; MLitt., Philosophy, University College Dublin, 2002; MA, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2006; PhD, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2014; Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy Department, Villanova University, 2006–14; Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy Department, Trinity Washington University, 2014–15; Lecturer, Towson University, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, 2014–17; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College Annapolis, 2019–present.

Profile of  Chester Burke


Chester Burke Profile


BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974; Master of Music, University of Michigan, 1979; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1984–present.


Books by Johnnies: Oxygen, Acids, and Water: Eight Chapters from the Elementary Treatise on Chemistry


Continuing the Conversation: “Science as Liberal Art”


Continuing the Conversation: “Science as Liberal Art”

Profile of  Matthew Caswell




BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996; PhD, Philosophy, Boston University, 2003; DAAD Fellow, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, 2002–03; Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Boston University, 2003–05; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2005–present.

Profile of  Rahul Chaudhri




BA, Philosophy, Oberlin College, 2007; PhD, Philosophy, Stanford University, 2013; Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Thinking Matters Program, Stanford University, 2013–16; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2016–present.

Profile of  John  Patrick Coleman


John  Patrick Coleman Profile


BS, Physics with a Minor in Philosophy, College of William and Mary, 2012; PhD, Physics, University of Illinois, 2021; Tutor, Faith and Reason Learning Community, 2019–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.


Timeless and Timely: Liberal Education and the Demands of the Present


Timeless and Timely: Liberal Education and the Demands of the Present (Brendan Boyle, Jonathan Badger, and Patrick Coleman) by St. John’s College (Annapolis) Lectures (

Profile of  Michael   Comenetz




BA, Johns Hopkins University, 1965; MA, Brandeis University, 1967; PhD, Brandeis University, 1972; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Kansas, 1972–75; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1975–present.


Books by Johnnies: Michael Comenetz

Profile of  Steven F. Crockett


Steven F. Crockett Profile



Phone: 301-503-8696

BA. Music, Earlham College, 1965; MA, Humanities, University of Chicago, 1967; Graduate Study in the Committee on the History of Culture, University of Chicago, 1967–70; JD, Yale Law School, 1983; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1965–66; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1970–77; Tutor, St. John’s College Graduate Institute, Santa Fe, Summers 1976–77 and 1979–81; Instructor in Mathematics, George School, 1977–78; Instructor, General Program of Liberal Studies, University of Notre Dame, 1978–80; Visiting Instructor, Yale University (Saybrook College), Fall, 1981; Legal Adviser, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1983–85; Attorney, 1985–90; Senior Attorney, 1990–2000; Chief of Staff to Commissioners, 1990–94 and 1998–2000, and Special Counsel for Litigation, Legislation, and Special Projects, 2000–11; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011–present.


Tutor Spotlight

Toqueville’s American Odyssey

On Becoming Free


Frederick Douglass on Force and Persuasion

Who Should Elect the President?

Profile of  W. Thomas Crouse




Phone: 410-626-2541

BA, University of Maryland, 1973; MA, Philosophy, University of Maryland, 1975; Doctoral Studies in Philosophy, Admission to Candidacy, University of Maryland, 1977; MALA, St. John’s College Graduate Institute, 2002; Instructor in Philosophy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1977; Associate Faculty (Philosophy/Medical Ethics), College of Notre Dame, 2007–10; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2008–present.

Profile of  Allison DeWitt




BA, Italian and German Literatures, New York University, 2010; MA, Italian Literature, Columbia University, 2014; PhD, Italian and Comparative Literatures, Columbia University, 2019; Literature Humanities Preceptor, Columbia University Core Curriculum, 2018–19; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020–present.

Profile of  Michael G. Dink


Michael G. Dink Profile



Phone: 410-295-5542

Harvard University, 1970–72; BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1975; MA, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1978; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1986; Teaching Assistant, The Catholic University of America, 1978–80; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1980–84; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1984–present; Director, Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, Annapolis, 1998–2001; Dean, 2005–10.


The mutual involvement of modern science and modern philosophy and its implications for liberal education

Profile of  Janet A. Dougherty




BA, Yale College, 1974; MA, PhD, Harvard University, 1980; Teaching Fellow in Government at Harvard College, 1976–78, 1979–80; French Government Fellowship, 1978–79; Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stonehill College, 1980–82; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1982–85; 2024-present; Santa Fe, 1985–2024.


The “Mysteries of Moderation” and the Education of Socrates

The Nobility of Sophocles’ Antigone


Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: The Limits of Political Excellence


Socrates at play: the beautification of the good

Profile of  Robert Druecker


Robert Druecker Profile



Phone: 410-295-6909

BS, Marquette University, 1966; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1966–67; Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Boston University, 1972–76; MA, Boston University, 1974; Fulbright and American Scandinavian Foundation Fellow, Norway, 1976; MA, Counseling, Loyola College, 1996; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1977–present; Counselor and Therapist, 1996–2002.

Profile of  Huw  Duffy


Huw  Duffy Profile


BA, Philosophy and French, Trinity College Dublin, 2012; PhD, Philosophy, Stanford University, 2018; Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Thinking Matters Program, Stanford University, 2018–20; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020–present.

Profile of  Nathan  Dugan


Nathan  Dugan Profile



BA, College of William and Mary, 1992; Earl Warren Political Theory Fellowship, 1992–94; PhD, Political Science, University of California, San Diego, 1999; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1999–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2017–22.


Tutor Spotlight: Mr. Dugan

Profile of  Jonathan Ettel



BA, University of Washington, 2011; PhD, Stanford University, 2021; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2023–present.

Profile of  Harvey Flaumenhaft


Harvey Flaumenhaft Profile



Office Phone: 410-295-6914

BA, 1960, MA, 1962, PhD, 1980, University of Chicago; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Harvard University, 1960–61; National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow, 1963–65; Lecturer in Political Science, Roosevelt University, 1965; Lecturer in Liberal Arts, University of Chicago, 1965–66; Instructor in Government, Wheaton College (Massachusetts), 1966–68; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1968–present; Fellow, Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies, George Washington University, 1981; MIT/Harvard Workshop on Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control, Summer 1983; National Endowment for the Humanities Constitutional Fellow, 1984–85; NEH Planning Grant, 1986–87; NEH Interpretive Research Grant, 1987–89; Visiting Professor, Department of Educational Studies, University of Delaware, 1989; Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Grant, 1992–94; Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–2005.


Books by Johnnies: Harvey Flaumenhaft

Profile of  Gregory Freeman




BA, Mathematics and Music, Brown University; MA, Musicology, University of California, Berkeley; MA, Philosophy, University of Chicago; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2012–present.

Profile of  Zachary Gartenberg



BA, Philosophy and Honors Program in Humanistic Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 2011; Graduate studies, Yale University, 2012–15; PhD, Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University; Postdoctoral Fellow, University Writing Program, Johns Hopkins University, 2022–23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.


Read Zachary Gartenberg’s Articles on PhilPeople

Profile of  Paul  Goldberg


Paul  Goldberg Profile


BA, Philosophy and English, James Madison University, 2014; PhD, Philosophy, Boston University, 2022; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy, The City College of New York, 2024; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024–present.

Profile of  Robert Goldberg


Robert Goldberg Profile


St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1977–79; AB in Classics and Government, Harvard College, 1981; MA, Political Economy, 1983, PhD in Political Science, 1990, University of Toronto; Lecturer in Political Science, University of Toronto, 1989–90; Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Kenyon College, 1990–95; John M. Olin Faculty Fellow in History and Political Theory, Kenyon College, 1994–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present.


Robert Goldberg – Liberal Education and Plato’s Laws

Profile of  Rebecca Goldner




AB, Bowdoin College, 1996; Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1998; MA, Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2002; MA, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2005; PhD, Philosophy, Villanova University, 2013; Visiting Professor, Villanova Center for Liberal Education, 2013–14; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2014–present.


Tutors Talk Books: Rebecca Goldner on Marcel Proust


Marcel Proust’s Turning of the Table


Marcel Proust’s Turning of the Table

Profile of  Lee Goldsmith

Visiting Tutor

Lee Goldsmith Profile



BA St. John's College, Annapolis, 2001–05; MA, Philosophy, Northwestern University 2007–17 (all but dissertation); Instructor, Philosophy, George Washington University, 2014–16; Visiting Tutor, St. John's College, Annapolis, 2021–present.


Modern Technology and Modern Discourse

Profile of  Lijun Gu



BA, History, Beijing University, China, 1980–84; Researcher, The Institute of International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China, 1984–87; MA, International Affairs, George Washington University, 1987–89; PhD, Political Theory, George Washington University, 1989–95; Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, George Washington University, 1995; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996–present.

Profile of  Ron Haflidson


Ron Haflidson Profile



BA, Classics and Early Modern Studies, University of Kings College/Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2004; MA, Religious Studies, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 2007; Teaching Fellow, Foundation Year Programme, University of King’s College, 2007–10; Principal’s Doctoral Fellowship, University of Edinburgh, 2010–13; PhD, Christian Theology, University of Edinburgh, 2014; Senior Fellow and Assistant Director, Foundation Year Programme, University of King’s College, 2013–15; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2015–present.



Tutors Talk Books: Ron Haflidson on Augustine


What the Heck is Hell? Divine Judgment in the Gospel of Matthew

Profile of  Aaron Halper


Aaron  Halper Profile


BA, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, University of Chicago, 2011; MA, Philosophy, Tulane University, 2012; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2022; Tutor, St. John's College, Annapolis, 2023–present.

Profile of  Mary Elizabeth Halper


Mary Elizabeth Halper Profile


BA, Philosophy, Classics, University of Dallas, 2009; Latin & Humane Letters Teacher, Great Hearts Academies, 2009–11; MA, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2013; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2019; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.


Annapolis Tutor Named Hertog Foundation Dean of Humanities​​​​​​


Continuing the Conversation: “Can a book be a friend?”


Continuing the Conversation: “Can a book be a friend?”

Profile of  Daniel Harrell


Daniel Harrell Profile



BA, Vanderbilt University, 1989; PhD, Emory University, 1997; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1998–present.


Being a Book


Our Problem with the Problem with Technology


Daniel Harrell on Freedom, Death, and Liberal Education With Brendan Boyle

Profile of  Hannah Hintze




BMus, Woodwind Performance, BA, Philosophy, Boston University, 1999; MA, 2006; PhD 2009, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago; Ennis Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Villanova University, 2010–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011–present.


“Are Individuals Beings?”

Profile of  Zena Hitz


Zena Hitz Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995; MPhil, Classics, Cambridge University, 1996; PhD, Philosophy, Princeton University, 2005; Assistant Professor, Auburn University, 2005–06; Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2006–12; Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2008–09; Visiting Fellow, James Madison Program, Princeton University, 2010–11; Visiting Research Professor, Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2018; NEH Summer Stipend, 2018; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2015–present.


Zena Hitz’ Website


Continuing the Conversation: “What is freedom and how do we cultivate it?”


Continuing the Conversation: “Can a book be a friend?”

Profile of  Matthew Holtzman




BA, St. John’s College, 2000; MSc., Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, 2003; PhD, Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 2010; Dean’s Teaching Fellow, Johns Hopkins, 2008; Instructor, Expository Writing Program, Johns Hopkins University, 2009–10; Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington College, 2011–13; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2013–present.


Tutor Matthew Holtzman to Address Annapolis Grads” 



2018 Commencement Address

Profile of  Abram Kaplan


Abram  Kaplan Profile



Deep Springs College, 2005–07; AB, History and Science, Harvard College, 2010; MA, 2013, MPhil, 2014, and PhD, 2018, History, Columbia University; Contemporary Civilization Preceptor, Columbia University, 2016–17; Visiting Predoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2017–18; Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows, 2018–22; Instructor, Deep Springs College, Summer 2019; Tutor, St. John’s College 2022–present.

Profile of  Khafiz Kerimov


Khafiz Kerimov Profile


BA, Political Science and International Relations, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, 2014; MA, Philosophy, DePaul University, Chicago, 2016; PhD, Philosophy, DePaul University, Chicago, 2019; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2020—present.


Khafiz Kerimov’s Website


Ptolemy’s Bisection of Mars’ Eccentricity

Profile of  Elizabeth Kirby


Elizabeth  Kirby Profile


BA, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Barnard College 2015; MPhil, French, New York University 2018; PhD, French, New York University 2021; Postdoctoral Language Lecturer, New York University 2021–22; Tutor, St. John’s College 2022–present.

Profile of  Margaret Kirby


Margaret Kirby Profile


BA, University of King’s College, 1977; MA, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, 1979; Commonwealth Scholar, Hertford College, Oxford University, 1980–82; M.Litt., Faculty of Modern Languages, Oxford University, 1982; Gasthörer, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, 1982; Junior Fellow, Massey College, University of Toronto, 1983–85; PhD, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, 1988; Fellow and Tutor, University of King’s College, 1987–89; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1990–96; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–present.


Lucretius on the Nature of Things


2020 Commencement Address


Recognizing Odysseus

Profile of  Pamela Kraus


Pamela Kraus Profile



MA, 1973, PhD, 1980, The Catholic University of America; NDEA Fellow, 1968–70; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1973–74; Lecturer, The Catholic University of America, 1975–80; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1980–85; American Fellowships Program Panel, American Association of University Women, 1985; NEH Fellowship, 1989–90; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1985–present; Editor, The St. John’s Review, 1994–2010; Dean, St. John’s College, 2010–16.


Foundations and the Discourse on Method

Profile of  Katherine Kretler




BA, Harvard University, 1992; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2011; Lecturer/Instructor, Classics, the College and the Graham School of General Education, University of Chicago, 1997–2008; Lecturer, Classics and Humanities, Dartmouth College, 2008–11; Assistant Professor (LTA), Classics and the Liberal Arts College, Concordia University, Montreal, 2011–14; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Classics, Queen’s University, 2014–16; Lecturer, Structured Liberal Education, Stanford University, 2016–20; Classics Faculty, The Pierrepont School, 2020–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.


Books by Johnnies: Katie Kretler

Profile of  Anita L. Kronsberg


Anita  L. Kronsberg Profile



Phone: 410-626-2512

BA, St. John’s College, 1980; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1984–present; MA, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Maryland, 1997; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, 1994–95; 1998–2002; 2006–09.

Profile of  Emily  H. Brooker Langston


Emily  H. Brooker Langston Profile



Phone: 410-263-2371

BA, Emory University, 1987; MA, University of Chicago, 1988; Jacob K. Javitz Fellow, 1989–93; Certificate in Jewish Studies, The Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, St. Cross College, Oxford University, 1993; PhD, Emory University, 2003; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2015–23.


Tutors Talk Books: Emily Langston on Euclid’s Elements

Profile of  Brendon Lasell


Brendon  Lasell Profile



BS, California Institute of Technology, 1990; MS, 1991, PhD, 1994, University of Chicago; Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1992–93; Member, Institute for Advanced Study, 1994–95; Instructor in Mathematics, Princeton University, 1995–97; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1997–2008; Annapolis, 2006–present.


Leibniz’s New Geometry


Leibniz’s New Geometry

Profile of  Leah Lasell


Leah Lasell Profile



BA, Mathematics, University of Chicago, 2000; Mathematics Teacher, St. Paul’s School, New Hampshire, 2000–02, 2012–13; MALA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2004; PhD, Philosophy, University of Texas, Austin, 2010; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2013–present.


On Motion


On Motion” 


On Motion

Profile of  Matthew S. Linck




BFA, Painting, Syracuse University, 1992; PhD, Philosophy, The New School for Social Research, 2004; Teaching Fellow, Eugene Lang College, 2002–04; Adjunct Professor, Steinhardt School of Education, New York University, Fall 2004; Adjunct Professor, Purchase College, SUNY, 2004–06; Adjunct Professor, Long Island University, 2007; Adjunct Professor, New School for General Studies, 2006–08; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2008–present.


Books by Johnnies: Matthew S. Linck


The Serpent and An Octopus: On Reading

Profile of  Patricia M. Locke


Patricia  M. Locke Profile



BA, Gonzaga University, 1977; MA, PhD, Philosophy, Boston College, 1984; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1984–present; Adolf Schmidt Chair, In Search of Lost Time, 2005; American Association of University Women Fellowship, 2006–07; Marchutz School of Art, 2008–09, 2016; Board of Directors, International Merleau-Ponty Circle, 2009–present; Emory Summer Institute for the History of Philosophy, Habituation in Aristotle, Dewey and Merleau-Ponty, 2017; NEH Summer Institute, Self-Knowledge in Eastern and Western Philosophies, 2018; Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, CA, 2021; NEH Chair in Ancient Thought, Tale of Genji, 2022-2024.


Tutors Talk (& Read) Books: Patricia Locke on Journey to the West

Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture


Hair, Clothes, Brush: On Becoming Human in The Tale of Genji

Profile of  Paul W. Ludwig


Paul W. Ludwig Profile



BA, English and Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1987; Rhodes Scholarship, 1987-90; BA, English and Modern Languages: Italian, Oxford University, 1990; Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, 1990-95; MA, Classics, University of Chicago, 1994; Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Fellowship 1995-97; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1997; Lecturer in the College, University of Chicago, 1996; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis 1997-present; Adolph Schmidt Tutorship, 2002-3; NEH Chair in Ancient Thought, St. John’s College, 2008-2010; Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University, 2008; NEH Faculty Fellowship, 2016.


Books by Johnnies: Paul Ludwig


How Civic Friendship Explains Democracy’s Present Moment


What Is Civic Friendship?

Rediscovering Political Friendship

Profile of  Joseph  Macfarland


Joseph  Macfarland Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1987; Fulbright Fellow, Visiting the Department of Medieval History, University of Bologna, 1993–94; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1996; Program Coordinator for Fundamentals: Issues and Texts, University of Chicago, 1994–97; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis 1998–present; Codirector of NEH Summer Institute, Medieval Political Philosophy, 2014; Dean, St. John’s College, Annapolis 2016-2023.


Comedy and the Virtue of Divine Puppets


Moments in the Liberal Education of Frederick Douglass from ‘My Bondage and My Freedom’


The gate of speculation, is it open or closed? On the possibility of permanent questions

Profile of  Christopher  B. Nelson

Tutor and President Emeritus

Christopher  B. Nelson Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1970, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1966–69; JD, University of Utah College of Law, 1973; Associate, 1973–78 and Partner, 1979, Schiff Hardin & Waite, Chicago; Co-Founder and Principal, 1979–91 and President, 1987–91, Kovar Nelson Brittain Sledz & Morris, Chicago; Instructor in Management Labor Law and Supervisory Relations, 1981–87, Aurora University Management Center, Illinois; President, St. John’s College, 1991–2017; Past Chair, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities; Past Chair, Annapolis Group (nation’s liberal arts colleges); Past Chair, AFS-USA Inter-cultural Exchange Program; Past Chair, Shimer College Board of Trustees; Past Chair, Maryland Independent Colleges and Universities Association; Past Director, Council of Independent Colleges; Past Treasurer, Historic Annapolis Foundation. Tutor, St. John’s College, 1991–present.


The Imaginative Conservative Articles


The Rare Book Collection

Profile of  Stephanie Nelson

Visiting Tutor

Stephanie Nelson Profile


BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1983; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1992; Faculty, Core Curriculum, Boston University, 1995–99; Faculty, Department of Classical Studies and the Core Curriculum, 1999–present, Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.


Books by Johnnies: Stephanie Nelson

Profile of  Frank N. Pagano




AB, Cornell University, 1969; PhD, Boston College, 1981; Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1975–81, Director of the Division of Liberal Learning, 1980–83, Associate Professor of Political Science, 1981–83, University of New England; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1983–present; Director of the Graduate Institute, 2001–04.


Value and virtue in America


Modernity for Fools and Knaves: Machiavelli’s Mandragola and Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well


Eros and Dionysus in Aristophanes and Euripides

Profile of  Carl Page



BA, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1980; MA, University of Auckland, 1982; PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 1987; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Emory University, 1987–94; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1994–present.


The Power and Glory of Platonic Dialogue

Profile of  Louis Petrich


Louis Petrich Profile



Phone: 410-315-9753

BA, English, Northwestern University, 1982; MA, 1986, PhD Candidate, 1986–90, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago; Teaching Assistant in History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine, University of Chicago, 1985–87; Dramaturg, Assistant Director and Actor, Court Theater, University of Chicago, 1985–89; Fulbright Scholar, Alexandru I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, 1990–91; United States Peace Corp Volunteer, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1992–93; Reader and Stage Crew, Folger Shakespeare Library and Theater, Washington, DC, 1993–95; Civic Education Project Fellow, Prešov University, Slovakia, 1995–97; CEP Fellow, Alexandru I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, 1997–99; CEP Fellow, American University of Kyrgyzstan, 1999–2000; Fulbright Scholar, Kyrgyz State National University and American University of Kyrgyzstan, 2000–02; Principal Founder, American Studies Resources and Training Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2001–02; Associate Professor, American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, 2010–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2002–present.


The Questions of Lear and Cordelia

‘The Student,’ by Anton Chekhov: A Story Told and Glanced At


Continuing the Conversation

Falstaff Riseth Up


Falstaff Riseth Up

To Meet with Macbeth

Profile of  Clara Picker



MagPhil, Universität Wien, Austria, 2011; MA, Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2012; PhD, Political Science, Yale University, 2022; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2021–present.


Clara Picker’s Website


Rousseau’s History of the Species: Redeeming Nature in Society

Profile of  Greg  Recco




BA, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1994; PhD, Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 2002; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Skidmore College, 2003–07; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2007–present.


Books by Johnnies: Greg Recco


The Soul’s Choice of Life

Profile of  Andrew  Romiti




BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2007; Post-Baccalaureate Course in Classics, Georgetown University, 2007–08; MA, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2011; PhD, Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 2016; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2016–present.


Books by Johnnies: Andrew Romiti

Profile of  George A. Russell


George A. Russell Profile



Phone: 410-295-6914; Fax: 410-616-0784

BA, St. Francis College; MA, The Catholic University of America; PhD, The Catholic University of America; Dean of Students, St. Patrick’s Academy, 1981–86; Chairman, History and Government Department, Hamden Hall, 1986–91; Adjunct Lecturer, Albertus Magnus, 1986–91; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Xavier University, 1991–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1995–present.


Leadership in Factious Times


Continuing the Conversation: Lincoln’s ‘New Birth of Freedom’


Continuing the Conversation: Lincoln’s ‘New Birth of Freedom’

Profile of  Eric  Salem


Eric  Salem Profile


BA, St. John’s College, 1977; MA, University of Dallas, 1979; University of Heidelberg, 1980–81; PhD, University of Dallas, 1990; Fulbright Fellow, 1980–81; Assistant Professor, Whitney Young College, Kentucky State University, 1983–90; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1990–present.


Books by Johnnies: Eric Salem

Profile of  Adam Schulman


Adam Schulman Profile



Phone: 410-295-5548

BA, Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1980; Danforth Fellow, 1980; Rhodes Scholar, 1980; BA, Physics and Philosophy, Oxford University, 1982; MA, History of Science, Harvard University, 1985; PhD, History of Science, Harvard University, 1989; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1989–present; Senior Research Consultant, The President’s Council on Bioethics, 2003–09; Faculty Member, Hertog Political Studies Program, 2011; Visiting Professor, MIT, 2011–12.


Adam Schulman’s Website


The Anger of Achilles, and Its Source: A Reading of Book One of the Iliad

Profile of  Joan Silver


Joan Silver Profile



Phone: 443-716-4005

BA, State University of New York, College at Old Westbury, 1971; MALA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1976; PhD, Theology and The Arts, Graduate Theological Union, 1993; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974–77; Tutor, St. Mary’s College, Integral Program, 1977–79; Tutor, Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, Summer 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989–96; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–present.

Profile of  Anna Sitzmann



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2011; PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, 2012–21; Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2014–19; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2019–present.

Profile of  Jay Smith




BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1977; MA, Philosophy, Marquette University, 1979; PhD, Philosophy, Fordham University, 2002; Environmental Protection Agency, 1986–89; Environmental Consultant, 1990–2000; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2001–2024; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024-present.


Tutor Panel on Shakespeare: ‘A Monument Without a Tomb’


’Weak’ thought and its philosophical implications: an introduction to Gianni Vattimo

Profile of  Jeffrey Smith




BA, Philosophy and Political Science, Emory University, 1989; PhD, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1997; Lecturer in the College, University of Chicago, 1994–97; Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, Colgate University, 1998–99; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Carthage College, 1999–2001; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2001–present.

Profile of  Rebekah Spearman


Rebekah Spearman Profile


BA, University of Dallas, 2014; MA in Classics, University of Chicago, 2017; PhD in Classics, University of Chicago, 2022; Teaching Fellow in Classics and Humanities, University of Chicago, 2022–23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2023–present.


Rebekah Spearman’s website

Profile of  Eric Stoltzfus

Music Librarian

Eric  Stoltzfus Profile


BA, Music, Goshen College, 1981; MA, Musicology, MS, Library Science, The Catholic University of America, 1991: Music Librarian, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1991–present; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1996–present.


From Palestrina’s ‘Sicut Cervus’ to Campus Bands, Music Plays an Essential Role at St. John’s Annapolis

Profile of  Emma Styles-Swaim

Teaching Fellow


BA, English and Medieval Studies, Mount Holyoke College, 2014; MA, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2017; MPhil, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2019; PhD Candidate, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 2019–present; Teaching Fellow, Columbia University, 2018–20; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024; Teaching Fellow, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024–25.

Profile of  Jason Tipton




BA, University of California, San Diego, 1993; MA, Tulane University, 1999; MS, Tulane University, 2001; PhD, Tulane University, 2002. Fulbright Scholar, Greece, 2000–01; Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 2000–01; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2002–present.


Books by Johnnies: Jason Tipton

Jason Tipton Profile


Perceptual and Deliberative Imagination in Aristotle’s De Anima


A Many Headed Beast

Profile of  John Tomarchio


John Tomarchio Profile



BA, Columbia College, Columbia University, 1984; MA, 1993, PhD, 1996; Lecturer, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, 1996; National Fulbright Research Fellow, Rome, 1994–95; National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, Core Curriculum Program, Boston University, 1996–98; Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Villanova University, 1998–2001; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2001–present.


Graduate Institute Commencement Address, 2010

Profile of  David Lee Townsend


David Lee Townsend Profile



BA, Loyola College; MA, Harvard; Diplome, Universite de Paris; PhD, Harvard; JD, Yale; Teacher, Cambridge Free School; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe and Annapolis. Federal Executive Institute, Visiting Faculty; Senior Advisor, Aspen Institute; Coordinator, AIDS Task Force, Corporate Council on Africa; Moderator, Weidenfeld Scholars, Oxford; Visiting Faculty, Indiana University, Doctor of Public Health Program. Teacher of the Year 2020, Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs.


Annapolis Tutor David Townsend Wins AGLSP Faculty Award


Continuing the Conversation: What Is Freedom & How Do We Cultivate It?


Continuing the Conversation: What Is Freedom & How Do We Cultivate It?

Profile of  Fawn Trigg



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1988; PhD Candidate at the University of Chicago, Committee on Social Thought, 2004–present; Faculty, Indiana University Northwest; The School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2006–present.

Profile of  Jonathan  Tuck

Tutor Emeritus

Jonathan  Tuck Profile



Tutor Emeritus, St. John’s College, Annapolis


The Chains of the Skyway: Freedom in the Liberal Arts


Higher Gossip


Gargantua’s Games

Profile of  Samuel R. Webb


Samuel  R. Webb Profile



BA, Philosophy and French, Tufts University, Boston, 2010; MA, History of Philosophy, Sorbonne Université, Paris, 2014; PhD, Philosophy, Sorbonne Université, Paris, 2021; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2022–present.


Samuel Webb’s Website

Profile of  W. Clark Wolf


W. Clark Wolf Profile


BS, MA, Clarks Summit University, 2011; MA, Theology, University of Scranton, 2013; PhD, Philosophy, Marquette University, 2019; Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, 2019–20; Visiting/Teaching Assistant Professor, Marquette University, 2020–24; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2024–present.

Profile of  Cordell D. K. Yee


Cordell D. K. Yee Profile



Phone: 410-263-2371

BA, English, Pomona College, 1977; MJ, Journalism, University of California, Berkeley, 1980; MA, Chinese, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981; PhD, English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989; Associate Researcher, History of Cartography Project, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988–89; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1989–present; Visiting Assistant Scientist, History of Cartography Project, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Summers of 1990 and 1991.


Books by Johnnies: Cordell Yee

Profile of  Stella Zhu


Stella Zhu Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2016; PhD, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2022; Managing Editor, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2022; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2022–present.


Stella Zhu’s Website


Continuing the Conversation: The Challenge of Translation


Continuing the Conversation: The Challenge of Translation