Welcome to The Quad!

The Quad is the official online catalogue, arranged by category, for all St. John’s College, Annapolis clubs and study groups. Reach out to the archons listed for more information, and if you have any further questions (or would like to request an update to your listing on the page), please contact the Coordinator of Student Activities, Ethan Garofalo, ethan.garofalo(at)sjc.edu.

Please reach out to Rachel Fleming, Athletic Coordinator, with inquiries regarding available intercollegiate/intramural sports programs, club use of the Iglehart gym, the upper and lower athletic fields, the Hodson Boathouse, and any related equipment needs. Athletic programs are available for any past and present bookwork-jocks; don’t worry, no previous athletic experience is necessary to join any of these groups!

Available Activities


Academic Assistance

You can reach a student assistant and receive help in a specific subject using the following email addresses, and their hours can be found pasted on the McDowell Coffeeshop blackboard next to the event calendar:

Art Studio

The art studio is a space for students of all skill levels to come express themselves and develop their skills as artists!

Art Assistants: Addison Bartley (ajbartley(at)sjc.edu), Henry Redfield (hsredfield(at)sjc.edu)

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Community, Discussion & Pre-Professionals

Delegate Council (DC)


  • President: Ali Shawamreh
  • Secretary: El’ad Nichols-Kaufman
  • Treasurer: Alexander Paden
  • Polity Attorney: Helen Felbek
  • Polity Herald: Rylee Bain


Alumni Representatives: TBA

BVG Representatives: TBA

Croquet Planning Representatives: TBA

Campus Planning Representatives: TBA

Instagram: @sjcdelegatecouncil

The Delegate Council (DC) is the student government of St. John’s College, whose responsibilities include the representation of undergraduate student interests to the administration, the establishment and maintenance of formal channels of communication between the students and the faculty, the management of funds available to the Student Polity for clubs, activities and events, the sanctioning of all student clubs, organizations, committees, and activities, the creation and management of Polity Law, and the representation of the students of St. John’s College to the community outside the college. For reference, this is DC’s SharePoint site with information on how to write a charter, budget, and audit, as well as copies of the event contract.

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, August 22–Friday, September 6: Budget Season opens
  • Tuesday, August 27: First DC meeting of the year
  • Wednesday, August 28: Archon training
  • Friday, August 30: DC Luncheon in the Private Dining Room
  • Tuesday, September 3: Student Committee on Instruction (SCI) Representative Elections
  • Sunday, September 8: Committee on Student Life (CSL) Representative Elections
  • Tuesday, November 19: Croquet Planning Committee Representative Election
  • Tuesday, December 3: DC Officer Elections
  • Tuesday, December 3: Last DC Meeting of the semester
  • Friday, December 6: Club Audits due

Student Committee on Instruction (SCI)

Co-Chairs: Catherine Greer (cegreer(at)sjc.edu), Sarah Thyer (sjthyer(at)sjc.edu)

Representatives: Hannah Fodor, Jack Domanski, Jackson Green, Ian O’Donnell, Millie Ransohoff, Natalie Goldman

The Student Committee on Instruction (SCI) is a student committee appointed by the Delegate Council to support and enrich the academic life of the college by seeking out student opinion on academic matters through weekly forums, serving as a liaison between the administration and the undergraduate students regarding the academic life at St. John’s, and hosting events such as All-College Seminars, which allow all students at the college to come together in learning.

The Committee on Student Life (CSL)

For reference, this lists CSL’s SharePoint resources so you can stay up to date.

The CSL serves as a forum for discussion of matters concerning the non-academic life of students. It seeks out student opinion of non-academic topics at the request of the Delegate Council (DC) or any member of the Polity. The CSL strives to empower individuals to strengthen the community through open dialogue about issues on campus and to utilize resources for positive change.

Alexander Hamilton Society

Archon: Luke Widenhouse (lswidenhouse(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Colin Josler (cmjosler(at)sjc.edu)

Are you interested in global affairs and national security? We are excited to launch the St. John’s College Chapter of the Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS). The Society is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, national organization that seeks to identify, educate, and launch young men and women into foreign policy and national security careers imbued with the Hamiltonian perspective of strong and principled American leadership in global affairs. Primarily through engaging in debate, our programming is critical to the intellectual and professional development of a new generation of American leaders. It also acts as a bridge for Johnnies to pursue internships, graduate programs, and professional opportunities in the worlds of academia, business, finance, policymaking, politics, and journalism.

Catholic Student Fellowship

Archons: Marie d’Aboville (mdaboville(at)sjc.edu), Jackson Green (jcgreen(at)sjc.edu)

The Catholic Student Fellowship aims to give Catholic students and students interested in Catholicism the opportunity to grow in faith, hope, and love through friendship. Our method of choice is feasting. About once a month, we come together after a Sunday morning Mass for a leisurely brunch. Meetings are very informal and aspire to a festive character. We are occasionally joined by friars from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. The club email chain also serves as an information channel for all things Catholic on campus; from prayer or reading group invitations, to faraway mass-going coordination. We’d love to meet you!

Daily Rosary

Archon: Ian O’Donnell (imodonnell(at)sjc.edu)

The Daily Rosary is a Catholic group which meets every weekday from 12:25–12:45 in Mellon 103 to pray Our Lady’s rosary. We pray for the good of members and their families, of the college, and of the Church. “Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there: If you set it on fire, it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that.”
– St. John Vianney

Diversity & Inclusion Coalition on Education (DICE)

Co-Archons: Meliha Anthony (mzanthony(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Janet Montgomery

We will provide a space for students (and tutors!) to learn and discuss topics that we shy away from during class, including matters of identity and what it means to read and analyze the Western classics in a globalized, pluralistic society. We’re here to foster an inclusive environment through open conversations and school-wide events where people from marginalized communities feel more welcome at St. John’s. In this space, students are encouraged to use the skills and knowledge we cultivate through the Program to talk about modern real-world problems and identify where they intersect with Program texts and how they directly impact our dynamics with each other in and outside of class. Everyone is welcome. Roll the dice and see what happens!

Food Recovery Network

Archon: Ali Shawamreh (aashawamreh(at)sjc.edu)

The Food Recovery Network aims to fight food waste and support communities by redistributing surplus food from kitchens to nonprofit food pantries. Currently we’re working with the Dining Hall and The Lighthouse, a local homeless prevention support center. Please reach out if you’re interested, any helping hand is truly appreciated!

Johnnies of Color (Santa Fe & Annapolis)

Archons: Gelila Kebede (gykebede(at)sjc.edu), Candyce Jones (cajones(at)sjc.edu)

Our purpose is to provide a safe space for people of color on our campus to discuss current events on and off campus and what is happening in the world. We will hold monthly meetings on a topic prepared for entire polity. This will sometimes take the form of panels, open discussion, and/or seminars.

The club is not limited to only students of color, but we will put students of color at the center and educate and include the wider community—and we would like to do so with an open mind and open heart.


Co-Archons: Gelila Kebede (gykebede(at)sjc.edu), Candyce Jones (cajones(at)sjc.edu)

Do you enjoy the thrill of debate? Do you want to help people and fight for justice? Are you thinking of pursuing a career in law? The club’s mission is to help students explore the field of law to gain a deeper understanding of law and their passions for it.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Archons: Theodora Montague (tmontague(at)sjc.edu) and Bryce Falkowski (bjfalkowski(at)sjc.edu)

Hello! We are the Orthodox Christian Fellowship. Our central activity is reading through some of the early Church Fathers and the Scriptures at a measured pace with plenty of discussion. Our focus will also include the lives of the Saints and early Church History, always keeping in mind the question, what is the Faith and how is it practiced? We also coordinate rides to church services at Holy Archangels Orthodox Mission and strive to build a community of faith. We often hold Reader’s Vespers services on Saturday nights to prepare for Sunday Liturgy. All are welcome and invited!

Pangea: International Student Club

Archon: Abhigya Adhikari (aadhikari2(at)sjc.edu)

Are you an international student, or interested in various cultures around the world? Do you want to meet other international students and hang out, but don’t know where you can find them? Now, there’s Pangaea: International Student Club! We hold the International Student Party every year and provide different events to share and explore each other’s cultures. If you have any good ideas for sharing your cultural experiences but don’t know what to do? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We will work on it together, and make it happen! This club is not confined to only internationals but is open to everyone, so join us!


Archon: Sewi Jung (sjung2(at)sjc.edu)

Project Polity

Archon: Kurtis Bleakley (kmbleakley(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Tarik Mahmud

Project Polity works at actively engaging the Polity in meaningful service to both St. John’s College and the Greater Annapolis Community, as well as forging sustainable relationships between the two. This includes weekly tutoring at the Stanton center, yearly canned goods and clothing drives, and much more. Volunteers are always welcome.


Archon: Ali Shawamreh (aashawamreh(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Andy Manne(ammanne(at)sjc.edu)

Shalom to all who may be reading this! Shammai is St. John’s Jewish campus club. We aim to build a strong community on campus by eating, talking, praying, studying and having fun together. Come join us at kabalat shabbat every Friday, or at one of our holiday celebrations, or study groups. We welcome all, whether Jewish, Jew-ish, or just curious about Judaism, to join us in our little community.

Spanish Speakers

Archons: Camila Lopez (calopez(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Vivian Miyakawa (vlmiyakawa(at)sjc.edu)

The former Spanish movie-watching club has evolved into a Spanish conversation, culture, snack, and other shenanigans club. Vengan y conversan con nosotros (come and talk with us), even if you don’t know Spanish.

Christian Fellowship

Archon: Ella Jacky (erjacky(at)sjc.edu), Jackson Green (jackson.green(at)sjc.edu)

Our goal is deeper fellowship with Jesus and with each other. We gather together to pray, worship, and connect with each other to build a closer community. Whether you feel like you know Jesus or not, are curious about what faith means, or wondering about who God is, we'd love for you to come join us. You are welcome here and we look forward to meeting you!

The Platypus Affiliated Society

Archon: Benjamin Kay (bhkay(at)sjc.edu)

The Platypus Affiliated Society is active on campuses across the U.S. and internationally, and organizes reading groups, public fora, research, and journalism focused on the problems and tasks of the historic left, and the possibility of left politics today. This is an attempt to bring Platypus to St. John’s, initially through a reading group and more casual discussion meetings, or “coffee breaks.”

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Co-Archons: Kelly Kane (kmkane(at)sjc.edu), Esther Beland (erbeland(at)sjc.edu), Riley Ferver (rkferver(at)sjc.edu)

Contact: energeia(at)sjc.edu

Instagram: @energeiasjc

Twitter: @energeiasjc

Energeia is the college’s official student-run literary and arts magazine. Our purpose is to provide a venue for creative expression through various media, including visual arts, creative written pieces—both fiction and non-fiction—and audio artworks, both musical and otherwise, along with a place to hone editing, selection, layout design, and other publication skills. And, finally, to share the polity’s artwork with the rest of the polity.

Energeia latest issue (PDF)


Archon: Magnus Oberg (mdoberg(at)sjc.edu)

The GadFly

Editor-in-chief: El’ad Nichols-Kaufman (eanicholskaufman(at)sjc.edu)

Submissions: gadfly.office(at)sjc.edu

The Gadfly is the college’s long running student newsmagazine. Founded in 1980 it has consistently provided a home for campus news, opinion, art, and culture. The magazine is published once every three weeks and is an excellent way for students to practice their writing and creativity in a public forum of real readership and impact. The Gadfly distributes at least 150 physical copies every printing cycle, is emailed to every student upon release. The Gadfly is also archived in the St. John’s College Digital Archives. It is a significant part of St. John’s history and its ongoing creation.

Collegian: The Gadfly is also responsible for the publication of The Collegian, a newspaper of short articles which is published every week the Gadfly does not. The Collegian serves to keep the polity informed on day-to-day happenings at the college, and to communicate student opinion on topical issues. Past issues of The Collegian can also be found in the St. John’s College Digital Archives.

Collegian Editors: Helen Wagner (helen.wagner(at)sjc.edu), Jacob Sharpe (jacob.sharpe(at)sjc.edu)

Collegian Submissions: sjca.collegian(at)gmail.com


Archon: Georgia Green (gsgreen(at)sjc.edu)

An academic magazine that publishes student essays on Program or Program-adjacent books as well as interviews with faculty and staff.

814 Magazine

Archons: Cassie Desmond (crdesmond(at)sjc.edu)

814 Magazine is a photography publication that strives to present the analog and digital work of the student body in a way that represents the artist while simultaneously engaging the audience. If you love taking photos, come hang!


Editor-in-chief: Tia Peterson (tlpeterson(at)sjc.edu)

The Yearbook wants to create a meaningful photo album for seniors to take with them into their new lives away from the college. Intermixing the beauties of the program with the people who make the program possible, as well as our amazing campus, is our main focus.

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Music and Dance

Madrigal Choir

Contact: Mr. Eric Stoltzfus (eric.stoltzfus(at)sjc.edu)

Everyone (undergrads, GIs, tutors, staff, friends) is welcome to come sing every Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. in the Great Hall with the Madrigal Choir. This semester we have started with a setting of John I:1 by Josquin des Prez. We are also singing some chorales from various centuries, and other music for a cappella choir. There is room for singers in every voice part.

Primum Mobile

Contact: Mr. Eric Stoltzfus (eric.stoltzfus(at)sjc.edu)

Primum Mobile is a small choral ensemble of about eight students and tutors that has, since its establishment in 2000, annually performed masterworks of Renaissance polyphony. Concerts have included music by Josquin des Prez, William Byrd, Palestrina, Victoria, and others. The commitment is large and dedication a must, as is a love of making music with others.


Archon: Tamar Pinsky (tmpinsky(at)sjc.edu)

The purpose of Sinfonia is to enable St. John’s College students to attend live music performances for free! A week before each concert an email will be sent to the polity to raffle tickets. There will be 2–3 concerts per semester representing diverse genres. Please contact amschlussman(at)sjc.edu to suggest a concert prior to each semester. Note: concerts cannot take place on a weekend with a major campus event; tickets have to be $25 or less.

St. John’s Chorus

Archons: Rachel Hauben (rphauben(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Maya Dickerson (mwdickerson(at)sjc.edu)

The St. John’s Chorus is an ensemble open to the entire polity, regardless of musical experience or background. We meet every Wednesday night in the Great Hall from 7–8:30 p.m. ET. In our weekly rehearsals, we learn a range of primarily sacred choral works to be performed both at Collegium and at a formal concert in the spring. It is a wonderful thing to hear a community of people coming together for the simple joy of singing with one another. With the diligence and heart of all who join us, we are capable of creating some truly beautiful music!

St. John’s String Ensemble

Contact: Raquel Sanchez (rsanchezherreralasso(at)sjc.edu)

Sicut Sing

Meets in the Pendulum Pit every Wednesday at 2:20 p.m. to sing Sicut Cervus. Sheet music provided.

Thursday Night Singers

Archon: Tarik Mahmud (tmahmud(at)sjc.edu)

Band: Brewster

Band Members: Emily Caswell (encaswell(at)sjc.edu), Julian Marks, Helen Eastman

Band: Student Jazz Coalition

Archon: Joshua Flippo (jdflippo(at)sjc.edu)

The Student Jazz Coalition is dedicated to the understanding of the craft of improvised music. It also provides free musical entertainment to the Polity.

Band: Summerfield

Band Members:

Music, lyrics, lead vocals: Helen Wagner (hswagner(at)sjc.edu)

Guitar, banjo, mandolin, backup vocals: Wylie Robbins Thorne-Thomsen (wjrobbinsthornethom(at)sjc.edu)

Our recent album, “I’d Rather Be Laughing Than Singing the Blues” is out on all streaming services. Production credit to Ranger Kasdorf, and more musical credit to Andrew Selway (guitar) and Maya Dickerson (backup vocals)!

The Waltz Committee

Waltz party St Johns College Annapolis
Waltz party on the Annapolis campus.

Archon: Millie Ransohoff (mcransohoff(at)sjc.edu)

Do you want to learn how to dance or add some groovy moves to your repertoire? We host dance lessons twice a week and throw awesome dance parties! We learn a bit of everything but primarily East Coast Swing. Waltz, Latin American dances, like Bachata, Merengue and Salsa, and many more are a sweet bonus. Where? Tuesday in the Great Hall at 8:30 p.m. Sometimes on the weekends too, so keep a lookout for specific emails!

Folk Life

Archon: Jordan Kammeyer (jtkammeyer(at)sjc.edu)

Folk Life is all about folk dance, singing, crafts, and other aspects of folk culture. We will have biweekly dances on Wednesday nights after St John’s Chorus, where we will primarily contra dance and folk waltz, but may also dance polka, two-step, swing, and more!


Co-Archons: Lainey Rendelman (lrendelman(at)sjc.edu), Keely Schrantz (kkschrantz(at)sjc.edu)

Reality is known around campus as being the life of the party. A lovely club with decades of history. This club might be for you if you enjoy event planning, decorating, and carrying on Johnnie tradition. We are always looking for more Reality members, so reach out if you are interested! Wouldn’t you like to know more?

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Theater, Poetry, Story, and Film

Blank Verse

Archon: Natalie Goldman (Natalie.goldman(at)sjc.edu)

A space for poets and other creative writers to get together and improve their craft. Hosts a mix of workshop-/critique-style meetings and chill writing hangouts. Open to everyone. Even if you’ve never written a poem in your life, feel free to come check us out!

The King William Players

Archon: Jordan Kammeyer '25

Vice Archon: Jack Domanski '25

Secretary: Andy Manne '27

Treasurer: Mirek Jungr '25

Instagram: @kingwilliamplayers

Facebook: King William Players Facebook

KWP is the resident theater company of St. John’s College and is responsible for producing, rehearsing and performing all theatrical endeavors which occur on campus, open to both the polity and the general public. We typically produce three to six shows a year. Those involved in KWP span a range of theatrical interests, and we welcome actors, directors, and techies alike.

And without further ado, the 2024 Fall Season:

Shakespeare’s Hamlet: directed by Magnolia Vandiver to be performed in December; Performances: 12/6 & 12/7 in FSK Auditorium

Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull: directed by Margaret McConnell and Khanya Mnisi; Performances: 11/9 & 11/10 in FSK Auditorium

Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind

Co-Archons: Ethan Kress (erkress(at)sjc.edu), Margaret Lane (mllane(at)sjc.edu)

Description: 30 plays in 60 minutes. First, we write, then we perform. Funny? Cringey? Horrifying? Hopefully all of the above. Come if you enjoy writing plays and seeing them brought to life! Come if you want to act! Come if you have a ridiculous idea you want to force your friends to perform! Everyone is welcome.

Storyteller’s Guild

Archon: Max Dreyfuss (mcdreyfuss(at)sjc.edu)

The Storyteller’s Guild is a fairly low-key club that meets on Wednesday evenings to read and listen to short stories, books, poems, and whatever else people want to read. This year, we’re excited to be back in the Chasement with milk, cookies, and a fire in the colder months.

St. John’s Cinema

Co-Archons: CassieDesmond (crdesmond(at)sjc.edu), Isaac Vail (ijvail(at)sjc.edu)

Hosting movie screenings for the polity.

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Arts and Games

3D Printing Club

Archon: Max Schleien (mhschleien(at)sjc.edu)

3D printing club seeks to benefit the polity and its clubs by providing 3D printing services. Many small plastic objects, from tabletop minis to insect feeders, are more expensive than they ought to be and we’re here to alleviate some of the financial burden on clubs and the polity. Additionally, in keeping with the liberal arts spirit of the college, the club lies at the intersection of art and science combining both a modern technology with the age-old tradition of creating art in three dimensions. Come to one of our meetings if you’re interested in printing something yourself, asking for something to be printed, or just learning how it all works!

Board Game Club

Archons: Noah Navarro (nmnavarro(at)sjc.edu)

A relaxed weekly gathering for people who love to play board games. Play old favorites and discover new ones! Players of all levels of experience welcome.

Join our Discord server where you can:

  • Get info regarding online and in-person gaming opportunities
  • Organize/participate in TTRPG campaigns and one-shots
  • Stay informed about special events
  • Talk about board games!

Chess Club

Archon: Connor Robinson (clrobinson(at)sjc.edu)

Whether you just want to play a few games or learn the game better, chess club offers a space for players of all levels. Feel free to come even if you don’t have experience, and we will teach you the basics.


Archon: Cassie Desmond (crdesmond(at)sjc.edu)

The darkroom exists as a space where students can learn to develop and print their own negatives and where they can grow their love of photography and skills.

Magic Club

Archon: Lucas Markovits (lhmarkovits(at)sjc.edu)

Purls of Wisdom Club

Archon: Sid Perry-Thistle (sjperrythistle(at)sjc.edu)

Purls of Wisdom is a club dedicated to crafts, with an emphasis on fiber arts—knitting, crocheting, embroidery—but welcome to other crafts as well! Its goal is to provide resources to students as well as be a fun and safe space to spend time with fellow artists!

Video Game Club

Archon: Thomas Robinson (tbrobinson(at)sjc.edu)

We play video games on Wednesdays and Fridays.

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Baking Club

Baking Club
Whip up something tasty with the Baking Club.

Archons: Regan Yang (rsyang(at)sjc.edu), Henry Zheng (hzheng(at)sjc.edu)

After hours of Greek and Euclid, calculus and French, or even just the usual interesting-but-sometimes-confounding seminar readings, it’s always fun to put work aside and make something to treat yourself! Baking Club is a place students come to take a break from their rigorous schoolwork and have fun in the kitchen.

Tea Enthusiasts Association (TEA)

Archon: Christina Cruz (cecruz(at)sjc.edu)

To enjoy a cup of tea with strangers, friends, and fellow Johnnies is one of the many pleasantries of life that we come to cherish for its ability to unify and restore. This is a club that is open to all students and faculty who simply want to unwind in the middle of the week with a delicious cup of hot tea while listening to the enchanting melodies of jazz and classical music. With that being said, there is never any pressure to socialize during these weekly gatherings!

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Insect Farming

Archons: Louis Rosenberg (lrrosenberg(at)sjc.edu)

Instagram: @insectsjc

Do you like bugs? Do you like reading about bugs?? Do you like caring for and breeding bugs??? Come join the SJC Insect Farming Club! We’ll meet weekly in Mellon—contact the archons for specifics—to share our passion for bugs and take care of some ourselves!

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Athletics and Fitness

Intramural Sports

Perhaps you prefer to participate in one of our historic intramural sports programs or maybe you just want more sports in your week! Intramurals, KUNAI, and pick-up sports are happening every day in your “backyard,” and yes, that’s back-campus! Every day… except Mondays and Thursdays when you should be doing your seminar reading, of course!

Co-ed Intramurals

Plan space in your week to play co-ed intramural ultimate frisbee, soccer, European Handball, Reasonball, Basketball, Volleyball and Netball with one of our five Historic Intramural teams –the Druids, Hustlers, Greenwaves, Guardians or Spartans! How do you get to be on a team? You are already there–you just need to show up! Find out what intramural team you have been drafted to for your first year at the Annapolis campus. In your second year on the Annapolis campus, you will be drafted to a team for the rest of your time at the college and beyond!


Kunai is a sports league for women and non-cisgender students on campus. We balance learning drills and clinics with scrimmages and tournaments. It is a welcoming environment, whether you have played sports before or not! We meet on Tuesday and Friday afternoons.


Woah! Still need more sports! We’ve got you covered–look out for day-of email blasts to give you the scoop on the times for “pick-up”. Feel free to show up when you can and just play–no preset teams, no strings attached, no experience required. While it’s not an exact science – you’ll see a weekly rotation of invites for pick-up soccer, pick-up volleyball, and post- ‘nar basketball coming to your inbox.

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Intercollegiate Sports

Peruse our intercollegiate quartet–crew, sailing, fencing, and croquet! These groups meet twice or thrice weekly to practice and prepare for competition at the club level against other colleges!

St. John’s College Crew

Captains: Maddie Heller (msheller(at)sjc.edu), Reagan Bottomley, Helen Eastman

Annapolis Crew 2016
Improve your rowing skills with SJC Crew.

The St John’s Crew team is one of the college’s intercollegiate sports teams. We welcome people of any skill level! Whether you’ve been rowing for years, or never set foot in a boat before, we encourage you to come out and row with us! The crew team is a fun, close knit community that encourages people to become better rowers. Towards the end of the fall semester, the crew team attends several rowing regattas, which always turn out to be incredible experiences.

St. John’s College Croquet

Co-Imperial Wickets: Magnus Oberg (mdoberg(at)sjc.edu), Dalton Olsson (Idolsson(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Imperial Wicket: Angus Preston (awpreston(at)sjc.edu)

Contact: wickets(at)sjc.edu

The SJC Croquet Team has the (unofficial) title of best collegiate croquet team in the world, and more importantly we have a tendency to BEAT NAVY in the long tradition of the Annapolis Cup Croquet Match every spring! But if you ask the team, they will tell you it’s just good fun. The team is a family, and we love to hang out, and we just happen to play croquet (very well) while we do it.

St. John’s College Fencing Union

Co-Archons: Kaleth Cushman (kkcushman(at)sjc.edu), Wylie Robbins Thorne-Thomsen (wjrobbinsthornethom(at)sjc.edu)

Vice-Archon: Robert Yu (jyu3(at)sjc.edu)

The SJCFU is one of the four intercollegiate sports on campus. Students of all experience levels are welcome! Come down to the Temple to try your hand with one (or all!) of the three modern fencing weapons: foil, épée, and saber. Our team competes in the Baltimore-Washington Collegiate Fencing Conference, and all fencers interested in competing attend several tournaments throughout the year. We practice year-round at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays, as well as Saturday mornings for more individual instruction.

St. John’s College Sailing Team

Captain: Reagan “Regatta” Bottomley (rmbottomley(at)sjc.edu)

Captain: Ty Hammer (tghammer(at)sjc.edu)

We’re here to sail boats, learn funny words, and port-tack the fleet. The less experience the better. Two+ regattas, probably; 10/10 doctors agree that bowlines are better than square knots. Wanna know why it’s called a boom? Come to the Hodson Boathouse any non-seminar weekday at 4 and we’ll show you the ropes!

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Athletics Related Clubs

While these clubs are funded by Student Delegate Council, they often share the gym and field spaces or borrow athletic equipment which is not guaranteed and need to be approved by the Athletic Coordinator, Rachel Fleming. Student archons for these groups are asked to reach out to coordinate the use of the Iglehart gym, the upper and lower fields, the Hodson Boathouse, and athletic equipment that may be of use. (Ms. Fleming drives a hard bargain and makes no promises so bring your game face and take no prisoner’s attitude.)

Bowling Club

Co-Archons: Alexander Ylitalo (ayylitalo(at)sjc.edu), Harrison DeWalt (hcdewalt(at)sjc.edu)

Biweekly Bowing at Annapolis Bowl.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Archon: Xiaochen (Daniel) Deng (xdeng(at)sjc.edu)

Jiu-Jitsu, translated as “the gentle art,” is a grappling-based martial arts system that focuses on controlling and resisting an opponent in order cause them to submit. It is very useful in self-defense situations for a smaller/weaker person to resist and out maneuver a larger attacker. As with most martial arts, Jiu-Jitsu values honor, respect, and safety. It is a great way to build discipline of mind and body. No experience is required. All are welcome to have fun and learn this beautiful art. (Some call it Human Chess).

Historical European Martial Arts Club (HEMA)

Archon: Zarian Lovelle (zslovelle(at)sjc.edu)

Vice Archon: Max Schleien (mhschleien(at)sjc.edu)

Head Instructor: Senya Borovikov (ayborovikov(at)sjc.edu)

HEMA Club studies the style of sword fighting used by Medieval Europeans. We practice and fence with both synthetic and steel swords. We try to balance the club as both a serious martial art and a space to just have a fun time and release some tension! The archons are always open to having additional sparring/practice sessions upon member requests.

Q: What swords and schools will we be teaching?

A: We will work through Fiore dei Liberi’s manual, “The Flower of Batle: MS Ludwig XV1” throughout the year, starting with grappling and dagger units to build good habits and foundations for working with longsword. If extra time is available, we will also practice MS.I33 arming sword and buckler.

Johnnies Sports Polity Network (JSPN)

Archons: Isaac Boone (ijboone(at)sjc.edu), Lainey Rendelman (lrendelman(at)sjc.edu)

We are a new club called JSPN (Like ESPN but Johnnie). Our main aim is to host sports-related watch parties and to discuss sports with other Johnnies. Events may include Superbowl parties, March Madness, and other major sporting events.

Outdoors Club

Archon: Joshua Flippo (jdflippo(at)sjc.edu)

Rock Climbing Club

Archons: Avi Pope (aspope(at)sjc.edu), Dalton Olsson (ldolsson(at)sjc.edu)

SJC’s Rock Climbing Club aims to make the sport of rock climbing more accessible and affordable for the polity. Complete beginners and experienced climbers are welcome alike.

Swim Club

Archon: Victoria Horsman (vhorsman(at)sjc.edu)

On Tuesday nights, from 8–9 p.m., we head over to the Arundel Olympic Swim Center, to have a nice long swim and a soak in a good ol’ jacuzzi hot tub. If you have an affinity for H2O or just need a relaxing float to destress after a long day, come join us for a swim! Reach out to our archon and we’ll get you squared away.

Tennis Club

Archon: DongJae (Isaac) Lim (dlim(at)sjc.edu)

Tennis Club, where passion meets precision on the court! Nestled in the heart of SJC, our club offers a HAVEN for tennis enthusiasts of all skill levels. With renewed courts, rackets and tennis balls for players, we provide the perfect environment to hone your skills, engage in exhilarating matches, and foster lifelong friendships. Worried about not having your own tennis racket? No need to fret, we have plenty of rackets available at the gym!

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Fitness Classes, Iglehart Gym (Temple) Hours & Hodson Boathouse Hours

Don’t forget about our fitness classes: yoga, weight training, and running groups to name a few! Make sure to check your college email inbox and the Athletics Bulletin Board in the coffee shop to get up to date schedules for these session-based programs.

Standard School Year Gym Hours: Contact Rachel Fleming with questions (check your email for updated hours during long weekends, Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Break):

  • Monday: 7 a.m.–11:59 p.m.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday: 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
  • Thursday: 7 a.m.–11:59 p.m.
  • Friday: 7 a.m.–7 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9 a.m.–8 p.m.

Boathouse Hours for Recreational Use: Contact John Wagner with questions

  • Tuesday and Wednesday: 4–6 p.m.
  • Friday: 4–6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

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Study Groups 2024-25

Confucius Reading Group

Contact: Benjamin Parker Ginnebaugh (bpginnebaugh(at)sjc.edu)

French Conversation

Contact: Victoria Horsman (vhorsman(at)sjc.edu)

Hebrew Translation Group

Contact: Ezra Rosenberg (ehrosenberg(at)sjc.edu)

Kierkegaard Reading Group

Contact: Amha Worku (aworku(at)sjc.edu)

Reading Women

Contact: Delany Costello (dmcostello(at)sjc.edu)

Ulysses reading group

Contact: Jack Domanski (jhdomanski(at)sjc.edu)

Study Groups 2023–24

Chinese Conversation

C.S. Lewis Reading Group

Dante’s De Monarchia Reading Group

French Conversation

Greek Translation Study Group

Kierkegaard Study Group

Reading Women

Strauss-Klein Study Group

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Inactive Clubs

The following list of recent clubs in the past few years, which have become inactive or whose leadership has recently graduated. For assistance in restarting one of these clubs or identifying yourself as its current archon, contact the Coordinator of Student Activities, Ethan Garofalo, ethan.garofalo(at)sjc.edu.

The Epoch Journal


Garden Club

Hippocratic Society


Platonic Players

Sewing Club

St. John’s Orchestra



Formerly Pink Triangle, Philautia aims to create a safe community focused on supporting LGBTQ+ students on campus through social and educational events. Our name comes from the Greek word for self-regard, as we believe that being true to oneself is the ultimate way to love and take care of oneself. Though we focus on issues important to the LGBTQ+ community, all polity members, regardless of their identities, are welcome to attend our meetings!

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