Insights and Manipulations: What Classical Geometry Looked Like at its Peak, and How it Was Transformed – A Guidebook
If we love wisdom in its wholeness, we must explore the sources of the things that we now take for granted: we must think through the records of the thinking that has demarcated the various fields of study and envisioned what’s to be investigated within them and how it’s to be done. Insights and Manipulations attempts to offer clear guidance and abundant help in helping us understand how classical geometry looked like at its peak and how it was transformed. By making the link between the classical geometry in which Apollonius presented the conic sections, and that modern transformation over which Descartes presided at its inception and providing an examination of some work done by Diophantus, by Pappus, and by Viète, Harvey Flaumenhaft attempts to help us consider what learning is and what learning has to do with how we live within our world.