ʿĪsā: Prophet of Hope for Islam Today: The Evolution of the Jesus of Islam
This book is about the evolution of the Jesus of Islam, ʿĪsā, according to contemporary Muslim authors as compared to classical understandings. ʿĪsā’s evolution demonstrates that he has become a prophet of hope to Muslims today. His relevance to Muslims today as a result of his evolution matters because Muslims want to live significant, peaceful, lives and be relevant to the world, hopes that can be actualized by ʿĪsā who is alive with Allah today.
ʿĪsā is important to Muslims because of the events he will accomplish in his Second Coming, nuzūl ʿĪsā. He will unite the world and bring about a world peace over which he will preside. Because of the possibility that this could be a metaphorical or spiritual event instead of a physical event, Muslims do not have to wait to experience the benefits of his return. He can come a go as he pleases to intercede for Muslims before Allah and bring about the peace and unity they have longed for, a caliphate, not a physical caliphate, a caliphate of the heart.
Because of his unique relationship with Allah during his earthly tenure, and because he may be descending and ascending to Allah today, ʿĪsā can hear the prayers of Muslims and present their requests to Allah. He can bring about the reforms necessary to enhance the lives of Muslims and increase the relevance of Islam to the world today. This unique posture makes ʿĪsā the prophet of hope for Islam today!