ANNAPOLIS—Even back in 1933, the editors of the St. John's College yearbook felt campus views would make a worthy addition to their annual publication. The Rat-Tat editors published 24 plates showing varied vantage points, from McDowell Hall to the old library at Woodward Hall, now the Barr-Buchanan Center.
Notable details are prevalent in the photographs. McDowell Hall has fire-escape stairs. Looking past Randall Hall reveals an undeveloped back campus with younger sycamore trees. The Liberty Tree looms large on front campus.
Notable, too, are the buildings no longer owned by the college. The editors’ history of the college says, “Under the administration of President Enoch Barton Garey, when a considerable increase in students and faculty required additional facilities, the College adopted the policy of buying and using for College purposes the eighteenth century homes for which Annapolis is renowned.” For instance, St. John's bought the Hammond-Harwood House in 1926 and used it for its decorative arts program.
“These three buildings,” the editors wrote, citing the Brice House, the Pinkney House, and the Hammond-Harwood House, “together with the simple and beautiful group of buildings on the campus. . . constitute a fitting environment for the balanced attitude toward life which it is the ultimate aim of St. John's College to produce.”
Enjoy the photo gallery below, and be sure to view the illustrated campus view from the 1934 yearbook.
—Brady Lee (AGI14)
24 photos