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The Logos of Heraclitus: The First Philosopher of the West on Its Most Interesting Term
Eva T. H. Brann
Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia: with On the Motion of Animals
David Bolotin
The Factor of Faith: Religion and Resistance to Nazism
Beate Ruhm Von Oppen
Art + Objects
Graham Harman
Herodotean Inquiries
Seth Benardete
Lost in Thought: the Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life
Zena N. Hitz
The Eccentric Core: The Thought of Seth Benardete
Seth Benardete
Narnia and the Fields of Arbol: The Environmental Vision of C.S. Lewis
David O'Hara
Socrates and Plato: The Dialectics of Eros
Seth Benardete
Plato’s Dialogue on Friendship: An Interpretation of the Lysis, with a New Translation
David Bolotin
Doublethink / Doubletalk: Naturalizing Second Thoughts and Twofold Speech
Eva T. H. Brann
Archaeology of the Soul: Platonic Readings of Ancient Poetry and Philosophy
Seth Benardete
Tool-Being: Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects
Graham Harman
A Commentary on Plato’s Protagoras
Larry Goldberg
Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die
Steven Nadler
Sacred Transgressions: A Reading of Sophocles’ Antigone
Seth Benardete
Aristotle’s Politics
Joe Sachs
Joe Sachs
Pursuits of Happiness: On Being Interested
Eva T. H. Brann
The Being of the Beautiful: Plato’s Theaetetus, Sophist, and Statesman
Seth Benardete
Heidegger’s Philosophic Pedagogy
Michael Ehrmantraut
Plato’s Trilogy: Theaetetus, the Sophist, and the Statesman
Jacob Klein
The Rhetoric of Morality and Philosophy: Plato’s Gorgias and Phaedrus
Seth Benardete
Newton’s Principia: The Central Argument
Dana Densmore, William H. Donahue
The Unity of Plato’s Gorgias: Rhetoric, Justice, and the Philosophic Life
Devin Stauffer
The Mathematical Experience
Phillip J. Davis, Reuben Hersh
The Role of Death in the Ladder of Divine Ascent and the Greek Ascetic Tradition
Jonathan Zecher
Rousseau’s Critique of Science: A Commentary on the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts
Jeff Black
Then and Now: The World’s Center and the Soul’s Demesne
Eva T. H. Brann
Plato’s Laws: The Discovery of Being
Seth Benardete
Plato’s Theaetetus: Part I of The Being of the Beautiful
Seth Benardete
One Man Show: Poetics and Presence in the Iliad and Odyssey
Katie Kretler
The Quadruple Object
Graham Harman
Voices That Endured: The Great Books and the Active Life
Stringfellow Barr
Profound Ignorance: Plato’s Charmides and the Saving of Wisdom
David L. Levine
The Tragedy and Comedy of Life: Plato’s Philebus
Seth Benardete
Greek Antiquity in Schiller’s Wallenstein
Gisela Berns
Castiglione’s Allegory: Veiled Policy in The Book of the Courtier (1528)
William Randall Albury
Rediscovering Political Friendship: Aristotle’s Theory and Modern Identity, Community, and Equality
Paul Ludwig
Cities and Transcendence: Sophocles and the Politics of Tragedy
Jonathan Badger
Plato’s Sophist: Part II of The Being of the Beautiful
Seth Benardete
Aristotle’s Poetics
Joe Sachs
The Music of the Republic: Essays on Socrates’ Conversations and Plato’s Writings
Eva T. H. Brann
Aeschylus I: The Persians, The Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliant Maidens, Prometheus Bound
Seth Benardete
The Argument of the Action: Essays on Greek Poetry and Philosophy
Seth Benardete
On Modern Origins: Essays in Early Modern Philosophy (Applications of Political Theory)
Richard Kennington
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Joe Sachs
Open Secrets / Inward Prospects: Reflections on World and Soul
Eva T. H. Brann
Hiddenness and Alterity: Philosophical and Literary Sightings of the Unseen
James Mensch
Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything
Graham Harman
What, Then, Is Time?
Eva T. H. Brann
Decisions and Transformations: The Phenomenology of Embodiment
James Mensch
Plato Statesman
Eva T. H. Brann, Peter Kalkavage, Eric Salem
Plato: Gorgias and Aristotle: Rhetoric
Joe Sachs
Plato’s Symposium: A Translation by Seth Benardete with Commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete
Seth Benardete
Warspeak: Nietzsche’s Victory over Nihilism
Lise van Boxel
Aristotle and Rational Discovery: Speaking of Nature
Russell Winslow
The Habit of Thought: From Socratic Seminars to Socratic Practice
Michael Strong
Aristotle’s De Anima (On soul)
David Bolotin
The World of the Imagination: Sum and Substance
Eva T. H. Brann
Plato Symposium: Or Drinking Party
Eva T. H. Brann, Peter Kalkavage, Eric Salem
Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy
Devin Stauffer
Aristotle’s Physics: A Guided Study
Joe Sachs
An Approach to Aristotle’s Physics: With Particular Attention to the Role of his Manner of Writing
David Bolotin
Sky in a Bottle
Peter Pesic
Socrates and the Sophists: Plato’s Protagoras, Euthydemus, Hippias Major, and Cratylus
Joe Sachs
Plato’s Republic
Joe Sachs
Aristotle On Poetics
Seth Benardete
Achilles and Hector: The Homeric Hero
Seth Benardete
Echoes Of No Thing: Thinking Between Heidegger and Dōgen
Nico Jenkins
Gilbert Simondon, On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects
John Rogove
Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Stephen White
Eckhart, Heidegger, and the Imperative of Releasement
Ian Moore
Roots of Yoga
Mark Singleton
Niccolò Machiavelli: Mandragola
Mera J. Flaumenhaft
Organism and Environment: Inheritance and Subjectivity in the Life Sciences
Russell Winslow
How to Constitute a World: Outside In, Inside Out
Eva T. H. Brann
Dialogue on the Threshold: Heidegger and Trakl
Ian Moore
Hegel’s India: A Reinterpretation, With Texts
Aakash Singh
Plato Sophist: The Professor of Wisdom
Eva T. H. Brann
Being Human: Core Readings in the Humanities
Leon R. Kass
Knowing and Being: A Postmodern Reversal
James Mensch
Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture
Patricia Locke
Socrates and Athens
David Johnson
The Ways of Naysaying: No, Not, Nothing, and Nonbeing
Eva T. H. Brann
The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds and Its Demise
Stewart Umphrey
Homeric Moments: Clues to Delight in Reading the Odyssey and the Iliad
Eva T. H. Brann
Symbolic Distance in Relation to Analogy and Fiction
Scott Milross Buchanan
Eros and Socratic Political Philosophy
David Levy
Seeing Double: Shared Identities in Physics, Philosophy, and Literature
Peter Pesic
Tapping the Wellsprings of Action: Aristotle’s Birth of Tragedy as a Mimesis of Praxis
Katie Kretler
Socrates’ Second Sailing: On Plato’s Republic
Seth Benardete
Feeling Our Feelings: What Philosophers Think and People Know
Eva T. H. Brann
The Harmony of the Soul: Mental Health and Moral Virtue Reconsidered
Neal Weiner
Scott Milross Buchanan
Husserl’s Account of Our Consciousness of Time
James Mensch
Xenophon’s Socratic Works.
David Johnson
Hume and the Politics of Enlightenment
Thomas Merrill
The Bow and the Lyre: A Platonic Reading of the Odyssey
Seth Benardete
Three Dialogues on Liberal Education
William Darkey
Plato’s Statesman: Part III of The Being of the Beautiful
Seth Benardete
Heroic Habits: Discovering the Soul’s Potential for Greatness
Randall Sullivan
Wakefulness and World: An Invitation to Philosophy
Matthew Linck
Simone Weil for the Twenty-First Century
Eric Springsted
A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age
Steven Nadler
The Ideas of Socrates
Matthew Linck
Levinas’s Existential Analytic: A Commentary on Totality and Infinity
James Mensch
Feigning: On the Originals of Fictive Images
Eva T. H. Brann
Un-Willing: An Inquiry Into the Rise of Will’s Power and an Attempt to Undo It
Eva T. H. Brann
A Commentary on Plato’s Meno
Jacob Klein
Descartes: Discourse on Method
Richard Kennington
Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity
Brady Bowman
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